Oracle/Linux:RSYNC:Transfer archives from one server to another through rsync utility
RSYNC for Copy files This is one of the finest method to copy archives from primary server to backup/standby server. For this, rsync daemon running on primary server. For Primary Server. 1.Configure rsync.conf [oracle@Bhavu etc]$ cat /etc/rsyncd.conf [ archlog ] path = /oracle/archive/bhavudb comment = For bhavu database archive log backup uid = root gid = root 2.Check rsync daemon running. [oracle@Bhavu etc]$ ps -ef|grep rsync oracle 13287 3699 0 14:44 pts/1 00:00:00 grep rsync root 29022 1 0 Aug28 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/rsync --daemon For Backup/Standby Server. 1.Create sh file for rsync commands.filename is #!...