
Showing posts from July 13, 2014

Oracle 11g:Daily export metadata of databases.

Oracle 11g:Daily export metadata of databases. Sometime we almost forgot about to take backup of sources like PL/SQL.table DDL before updating. We already have fully sync DR Database and we lost when we had done mistake on our work.Fully sync will also will make big trouble. So its better to keep backup of metadata of whole database atleast twice a day. some prerequisite to do setup automate it. a) Create mount point with sufficient space for one month of db backup.its almost one gb require for one day.SO Mount point should have sufficient space like 30Gb. b)DB Directory created in db.Full access of SYSTEM User to access directory in read, write mode. 1.Use below #!/usr/bin/ksh ######## For Daily Database FULL  metadata export#### set -a export ORACLE_SID=DBEXPERT export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle11g/ export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH ddy=`date +%a` dt=`date +%Y%m%d` echo $dt cd /meta...

Oracle AIX 11g:Automate archive destination notification in mail

Oracle AIX 11g:Automate archive destination notification in mail This post to get the notification when filesystem archive destination reach at threshold values. 1.Use below #!/usr/bin/ksh ######## For Automate disk untilization Mail#### set -a export ORACLE_SID=DBEXPERT export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle11g/ export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH cd /oracle11g/products/apps/11.2/scripts sqlplus -s   / as sysdba <<EOF set lines 150; set pages 100; spool /oracle11g/products/apps/11.2/scripts/loc.log archive log list spool off EOF arc_loc=`cat /oracle11g/products/apps/11.2/scripts/loc.log|grep "Archive destination"` arc_dest=${arc_loc:21} echo $arc_dest df -gt  $arc_dest > res.log capacity=`awk  -F" "  '{ print $5 }' res.log` echo $capacity perc=${capacity:5} perc1=`echo $perc| tr -d '%'` echo $perc1 if [[ $perc1 -gt 90 ]]; then echo "Dear TEAM," >/oracle11g/product...

Oracle 11g:RMAN Backup Database in NOARCHIVELOG MODE:Mount state

Oracle 11g:RMAN Backup Database in NOARCHIVELOG MODE Dear User, Today we'll see how to take rman compressed backup when database in noarchivelog mode. For that ,Database should be in mount state because database needs to be in consistent state for taking compressed full backup where no changes happened during backup. 1.Use below script. vi export ORATAB=/etc/oratab export ORACLE_BASE=/orahome/ export ORACLE_HOME=/orahome/ export TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin export ORACLE_SID=dbexport touch /rman/Offline/dbexpert_rman/bckstart.time sleep 60 ddy=`date +%a` dt=`date +%Y%m%d` echo "Backup Started on `date`" > /rman/Offline/dbexpert_rman/${dt}_${ddy}_dbexpert_lvl0.log rman target / trace /rman/Offline/dbexpert_rman/${dt}_${ddy}_dbexpert_lvl0.log  << EOF RUN { ALLOCATE CHANNEL disk1 DEVICE TYPE DISK; ALLOCATE CHANNEL disk2 DEVICE TYPE DISK; AL...