Oracle 10g:Create/Migrate Database from Exported Datapump
Database Creation/Migration By Datapump Utility. This is implemented on test environment. For this,Database creation with same server and all related mount points and directory created before import. 1.Use the Utility of Estimate for size of dump files and all table info. expdp system/manager directory=expdp logfile=***_exp.log FULL=Y ESTIMATE_ONLY=Y PARALLEL=4 ESTIMATE=BLOCKS JOB_NAME=ESTIMATE_ONLY_FULL_JOB 2.Take Full export dump. expdp system/manager directory=expdp dumpfile=***_full.dmp logfile=****_exp.log FULL=Y PARALLEL=4 JOB_NAME=full_export STATUS=100 Check the status of job FULL_EXPORT Worker 4 Status: State: WORK WAITING Job "SYSTEM"."FULL_EXPORT" successfully completed at 11:23:35 3.Check all previous database files and control file completely removed from the server. 4.Test Server purpose remove the database and files .drop the whole database. 5.Start Database in mount restrict mode. startu...