Oracle 10g/11g:Database monitoring Tools/Utility
Oracle 10g/11g:Database monitoring Tools/Utility This shell script mainly developed for monitoring database basic things in regular interval. This is home made utilities that inside set of sql queries that give required output. This utility basically useful for getting info of active sessions,inactive session,running jobs,top wait events,block and locking sessions and current load of server. For this utility implement,Need to create set of queries and shell script which execute anywhere. Follow this steps for create home made monitoring tool. 1.create directory on /usr/bin. mkdir psmon 2.Create shell script for execute set of sql queries. #!/bin/ksh clear echo uptime prc=`ps -e -o pid,pcpu|awk '$2>0 {print $1}'` while : do echo "#############################################################################################" echo "|r=Refresh|e=End|S=Query_By_SID|L=LongOP_QUERY|Q=Remaining_Query|t=Topas...