gDBClone Powerful Database Clone/Snapshot Management Tool (Doc ID 2099214.1)


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In this Document


 - gDBClone Version 3.0.6:
 - gDBClone Version 3.0.5:
 What's new

 Executive Overview
 Database Provisioning Lifecycle and Challenges
 Managing Test & Dev Environments Does Not Have to be Complex
 Purpose of Database Duplication
 Test and Dev environment
 Database Clone vs Database Snapshot creation time 
 Supported Configurations and Features 
 gDBClone Clone
 gDBClone Snap
 gDBClone nzdru (near Zero Downtime Rolling Upgrade) (beta)
 gDBClone Convert
 gDBClone ListDBs & DelDB
 gDBClone ListHomes
 gDBClone ListSnaps & DelSnap
 gDBClone SYSPwF
 gDBClone Command Syntax
 gDBClone Installation
 gDBClone deinstallation
 Managing gDBClone Privileges and Security with SUDO
 Allowing Root User Access Using SUDO
 SUDO Example 1: Allow a User to Perform Any gDBClone Operation
 SUDO Example 2: Allow a User to Perform Only Selected gDBClone Operations
 SUDO Example 3: Allow a User to Perform Any gDBClone Operation without password request
 Limitations & Considerations
 gDBClone to target ACFS Consideration
 Recovery Manager (RMAN) considerations
 Source database using Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)
 Database clone/snap overwriting SGA parameters
 gDBClone usage example
 1. Clone a Remote/Local (physical/standby or backup) database to ACFS(Gold/Image)
 2. Clone a Remote/Local database to ASM and make it a RAC database
 3. Clone a Multitenant database to ACFS
 4. Clone a remote database to Exascale
 5. Snapshot a gold/master database as RAC OneNode
 6. Convert a database (SI or RAC OneNode) to RAC
 7. Convert a non-CDB database to PDB of a given CDB
 8. Delete database
 9. List databases 
 10. Create an encrypted SYS password file
 Case Studies
 1. Managing a test & dev environment combined with Oracle Data Guard
 2. Creating database clone using RMAN backupsets
 3. Creating database clone from Oracle Cloud Database Backup Service (OCI)
 4. Creating database clone from RMAN full backup and upgrade to 19c
 5. Clone 11g Database from ASM to ACFS keeping the source running
 6. Create a snapshot database as RAC from a running database (GOLD clone)
 7. Create a clone RAC database from a “remote” standby database
 8. Create a snapshot RAC database from a “local” standby database
 9. Clone a database from RMAN full backup to ACFS as standby Database
 10. Clone a database from OCDBS (Oracle Cloud Database Backup Service/Storage) as RAC standby Database
 11. Database upgrade using Transient Logical Standby (TLS) (manual mode)
 12. Database upgrade with limted downtime using nzdru feature (TLS automatic) (beta)
 13. Clone a database encrypted with Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)
 14. Using gDBClone on ODA HA,S,M,L (Enterprise Edition) 
 15. Migrate a database from OCIC to OCI using gDBClone
 16. Test & Dev Management environment example
 Appendix - A
 Clone Location
 Snap Location
 Clone resume
 Standby option
 DG broker Setup
 gDBClone “-pfile” option
 Debug Information


Applies to:

Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later
Oracle Database Cloud Service - Version N/A and later
Oracle Database Backup Service - Version N/A and later
Gen 1 Exadata Cloud at Customer (Oracle Exadata Database Cloud Machine) - Version N/A and later
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Database Service - Version N/A and later
Linux x86-64
Oracle Solaris on x86-64 (64-bit)
Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit)


gDBClone is a tool to simplify management of database test and development environments leveraging Oracle ACFS snapshots and/or Oracle Exascale sparse clone


Author: Ruggero Citton - RAC Pack, Cloud Innovation and Solution Engineering Team
Create Date Set - 2013
Update Date October - 2023

- gDBClone Version 3.0.6:

OS Version/Rrevision sha256sum
Linux_el8 20231003 - $Revision: $ 7e8efb03e3d12b5db567c06f08accd418437eb81357a177615045d96acd7379a
Linux_el7 20231003 - $Revision: $ 55daa2e1affbc1bd3a3cfca85603a1df29ddbb8d41e97c6cb1cdbfbae5b205df
- For a snapshot from a standby DB on Oracle Exascale, fix for bug:34301681 is required
- For a snapshot on Exascale with 23c, fix for bug:35856329 is required

- gDBClone Version 3.0.5:

OS Version/Revision sha256sum
Linux el8 Version: 20230531 - $Revision: $ 870a3daefeb57e8e9a2fb79009288e6fd7e25c6f351c52450898203e457db26a
Linux el7 Version: 20230531 - $Revision: $ 3bbe72ca7b1dd6971ed5b10c36bd31425fee7ef94981946101a72263f13f5919
Linux el6 Version: 20230531 - $Revision: $ ff63c12d221d81dbe551289be180d2af31193012237e2066969ae55623f22c9a
Solaris i386 Version: 20230531 - $Revision: $ 4f7085b84afaf03da9bf24823019b8343162b6b125e532fb1a0aeb606549c3ef
Solaris sparc Version: 20200722 - $Revision: $ 9ad3786838b72356df7250cc25d1f72e72a00beabfbe6da5167902d2e46efbb6

What's new

  • What's new in release:
    • minor update
  • What's new in release:
    • Oracle 23c support
  • What's new in release:
    • Oracle Exascale support + others improvement
  • What's new in release:
    • Improvements for no-CDB to PDB conversion
  • What's new in release:
    • "gDBClone clone" is now supporting "source DB connect string" (with paramater "-sconstring")


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### Disclaimer:
### Limitation of Liability:
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Executive Overview

As database-driven applications grow rapidly, maximizing agility, reducing management overhead and cost savings are top priority for IT organizations today. Customers must have solutions to contain data redundancy that is sprawling out of control. On the average, more than 10 full copies of a production databases are created for test, development and reporting purposes.
In addition to redundant data, customers struggle with ever increasing management overhead required for managing database life cycles. Frequent challenges are provisioning of databases and deployment in test and development environments frequently, efficiently, quickly and cost effectively.
Oracle addresses management of test and development environments with advanced products and technologies to realize:

» Simplicity
» Cost savings
» Reduction of management overhead
» Agility

Database Provisioning Lifecycle and Challenges

Managing database test and development (test & dev) environments can be challenging and costly in time and resources. Production databases often require 8-10 or more copies for varies types of test and development purposes. Each copy of a database consumes significant storage space. Database copies are typically recycled (created, deleted or refreshed) often. Conventional ways of manually managing test & dev environments can be complex, costly and time consuming. Test & dev life cycle can be defined at a high level as follows:


An initial copy of a production database is created on a test & dev cluster as a master copy. Data scrubbing may be required either on the production server or on the test cluster as well. Database or data scrubbing could mean data filtering, redaction or any other technique the user chooses to use in order to provide only the data set that is needed or authorizes for test and development purposes. A database home should be identified or provisioned in preparation for deploying a test database. Multiple copies of databases may be provisioned off the master copy on the test cluster. Database administrators manage the environments and clean up when a database copy is no longer needed.

Managing Test & Dev Environments Does Not Have to be Complex

gDBClone is a tool that was developed to provide a simple and efficient method for cloning a database for test and dev environments. gDBClone leverages on ASM Cluster File System (ACFS) snapshot functionality to create space efficient copies of databases and manage a test and dev database life cycle.
The key enabling technology was introduced in Oracle Database 12.1 that allows creation of Oracle Database files directly on the ACFS file system (RDBMS and up) and therefore benefiting from ACFS point in time snapshot functionality for sparse database provisioning efficiently.

Starting with gDBClone 3.0.6, clone and snap operation are supported on Exascale too.

gDBClone performs following key functions:

  1. Clone: Creates a clone database (as Primary or as Standby) from a production database copying the DB to the target test and dev cluster
  2. Snap: Creates sparse ACFS snapshots and/or sparse Exascale clone of the DB to be used for test and development
  3. Convert: Converts a given database to RAC (Real Application Cluster) OneNode, RAC or from non-CDB (non-container database) to a PDB (pluggable database) of a given CDB
  4. NZDRU: Near to Zero Donwtime Rolling Upgrade, It will perform a rolling upgrade leveraging on Trans Logical Standby (beta)
  5. ListDBs: Lists the cloned databases and its snapshots
  6. DelDB: Deletes cloned databases and/or its snapshots
  7. ListHomes: Lists the available oracle home
  8. listSnaps: List the available ACFS snapshots
  9. delSnap: Deletes ACFS snapshot
  10. SYSPwF: Creates an encrypted password file

Purpose of Database Duplication

A duplicate database is useful for a variety of purposes, most of which involve testing & upgrade. You can perform the following tasks in a duplicate database:

» Test backup and recovery procedures
» Test an upgrade to a new release of Oracle Database
» Test the effect of applications on database performance
» Create a standby database (Dataguard) and as option with DG Broker setup
» Leverage on Transient Logical Standby (TLS) to perform an upgrade
» Generate reports

For example, you can duplicate the production database on host1 to host2, and then use the duplicate database on host2 to practice restoring and recovering this database while the production database on host1 operates as usual.

Test and Dev environment

The following diagram illustrates a typical test and dev environment that can be created and managed with the gDBClone command.


In this example, a copy of a production database is cloned into the test & dev cluster with a single gDBClone command (“gDBClone clone”). The source database may be on an Exadata Database Machine or any other legacy server and any type of file system including Oracle ASM, Oracle Exascale.

gDBClone is utilized to provision sparse space efficient copies of databases (“gDBClone snap”). These copies may be deployed for test and dev purposes. Only small incremental storage is required by the snapshots after the initial creation of the master copy as illustrated by the storage capacity illustration on the right of figure 2 above.

An Oracle ACFS snapshot is an online, read only or read write, point in time copy of an Oracle ACFS file system. The snapshot copy is space efficient and uses Copy-on-Write (ACFS COW) functionality. Before an Oracle ACFS file extent is modified or deleted, its current value is preserved in the snapshot to maintain the point in time view of the file system. Oracle ACFS supports 1023 snapshots per file system

Database Clone vs Database Snapshot creation time 

The database clone creation time depends on the database size and on the network throughput. In case of database snapshot, the cloning operation is a very fast operation as it’s independent on the database size and/or network speed. In the following example, we compare a clone/snap of 3Gb vs 60Gb database size:


Supported Configurations and Features 

gDBClone Clone

Creates a clone database (as Primary or as Physical Standby) from a production database duplicating (physical copy) the DB to the Test & Dev cluster using “RMAN Duplicate from Active Database” (by default gDBClone is allocating 3 RMAN channels, you may  overwrite it using “-channels <RMAN channels number>” command option). The source database may be on an Exadata Database Machine or any other legacy server and any type of file system including Oracle ASM. gDBClone needs to connect the remote database normally through the SCAN (Single Client Access Network) listener.

It’s also possible clone a production database from a given RMAN full backup location (the full backup can be on Filesystem/NFS, on Oracle Database Backup Cloud Service or on a tape) and, if needed, perform the upgrade within one command. The source database can be SI (Single Instance), RAC OneNode or RAC, primary or standby. The target clone database can be SI (Single Instance), RAC OneNode or RAC (by default it will be SI). The 12c Multitenant container databases are supported.
The gDBClone “clone” option can be used to instantiate a Dataguard environment and the standby can be and “Active Standby” or a “Real Time Apply”.

The “gDBClone clone” is done without special impact on the source production database. The “gDBClone clone” could duplicate a source database full backup having less IO impact over the production source database. In this case it’s also possible to limit the clone (“duplicate until”) to a given SCN (‘-scn’) or time (‘-time’).


On cloning a remote or local database 3 different ACFS mount points are possible:

-dataacfs <acfs mount point> --> Database datafiles target ACFS storage
-redoacfs <acfs mount point> --> Database redologs target ACFS storage (default dataacfs)
-recoacfs <acfs mount point> --> Database recovery target ACFS storage (default dataacfs)

gDBClone can be used to clone a database to ASM, in such case, 3 different disk groups are possible:

-datadg <ASM diskgroup> --> Database datafiles target ASM disk group
-redodg <ASM diskgroup> --> Database redologs target ASM disk group (default +DATA)
-recodg <ASM diskgroup> --> Database recovery target ASM disk group (default +DATA)

Note: cloning a database to ASM you cannot leverage later on the database gDBClone snapshot feature

Starting with gDBClone 3.0.6, it's possible clone a database to Exascale vault. On Exascale it's possible get database snapshot (sparse clone):

-dataxdg <Exascale vault> --> Database datafiles target Exascale vault
-redoxdg <Exascale vault> --> Database redologs target Exascale vault (default @DATA)
-recoxdg <Exascale vault> --> Database recovery target Exascale vault (default @DATA)

gDBClone Snap

Creates sparse snapshots of the DB to be used for test and development. The source database must be stored on local Oracle ACFS filesystem or on Exascale vault


The source database can be SI (Single Instance), RAC OneNode or RAC, primary or standby. The target snapshot database can be SI (Single Instance), RAC OneNode or RAC (by default it will be SI), primary or standby. The gDBClone is introducing the “Hot Database Snapshot as Standby” capability. Without impact over the source database and "without" storage duplication, leveraging on ACFS snapshot copy-on-write (ACFS COW) feature, gDBClone is making a snapshot of a running database and if "-standby" option is used the result will be a standby database. 

Note: the possibility to get a physical standby from a running database without downtime is the key to make database upgrade leveraging on TLS (Transient Logical Standby)

gDBClone supports snapshot of a running standby database without production impact leveraging on the “Snapshot Standby” database feature.


gDBClone is also supporting “Multi ACFS database file locations” and “database snapshot for different ORACLE_HOMEs

gDBClone nzdru (near Zero Downtime Rolling Upgrade) (beta)

"Near Zero Downtime Rolling Upgrade" is a feature able to make a database upgrade with very limited downtime leveraging on TLS (Trans Logical Standby). This feature still in beta version


- nzdru has resumable capability. Using "-prompt" command option, you have the possibility to stop the tool at macrostep and in case re-execute the tool

» MacroStep3 - Temporary database physical standby to transient logical standby
» MacroStep4 - Temporary database logical standby upgrade
» MacroStep5 - Switchover Temporary database logical standby to primary and Primary database to logical standby
» MacroStep7 - Source database logical standby to physical standby
» MacroStep9 - Switchover Source database logical standby to primary and Temporary database to physical standby

- In order to leverage on nzdru you must have a Database Service in place, (here an example of AC application continuity service for database PROD and TEMP, where PROD is the target database to migrate and TEMP is the temporary standby created as "clone" or as "snap" used by gDBClone nzdru to perform the upgrade)

/u01/app/oracle/product/ add service -d PROD -s NZDRU_AC
/u01/app/oracle/product/ modify service -d PROD -s NZDRU_AC -e SESSION -P BASIC
/u01/app/oracle/product/ modify service -d PROD -s NZDRU_AC -w 5
/u01/app/oracle/product/ modify service -d PROD -s NZDRU_AC -z 60
/u01/app/oracle/product/ modify service -d PROD -s NZDRU_AC -j SHORT
/u01/app/oracle/product/ start service -d PROD -s NZDRU_AC

/u01/app/oracle/product/ add service -d TEMP -s NZDRU_AC
/u01/app/oracle/product/ modify service -d TEMP -s NZDRU_AC -e SESSION -P BASIC
/u01/app/oracle/product/ modify service -d TEMP -s NZDRU_AC -w 5
/u01/app/oracle/product/ modify service -d TEMP -s NZDRU_AC -z 60
/u01/app/oracle/product/ modify service -d TEMP -s NZDRU_AC -j SHORT

and the connect string the application may use could be as example:



Note: as part of the nzdru process  a restore point "NZDRU_0000_0001" and a backup control file (ORACLE_HOME/dbs/NZDRU_0000_<temp standby>_f.f) will be created. You can use them to restore temp standby back to its original state as
a physical standby, in case the rolling upgrade operation needs to be aborted prior to the first switchover done in MacroStep6. 

- "Near Zero Downtime Rolling Upgrade" uses autoupgrade tool by default. You can specify "-dbua" to leverage on DBUA instead

Note: Autoupgrade will write related logs under "/opt/gDBClone/out/log". You could check the upgrade status issuing:

cd /opt/gDBClone/out/log/cfgtoollogs/upgrade/auto
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

and from a broser checkout the URL: "http://<host>:8000/state.html"

gDBClone Convert

Beside “clone” and “snap” features, gDBClone can be used to convert a database to a RAC or RAC OneNode database and it can be used to convert a no-container database(non-CDB) to a Pluggable database (PDB) of a given CDB.

gDBClone ListDBs & DelDB

gDBClone also provides single command to verify your database environments, providing parent/child relation in case of snap-of-snap database, and delete databases that are no longer in use.

gDBClone ListHomes

With “listhomes” command option you can check which available ORACLE_HOMEs are available. The oracle home name will be used later to “attach” the clone/snap database (“-tdbhome”).

gDBClone ListSnaps & DelSnap

You could use gDBClone to list and remove ACFS snapshot


Using “gDBClone syspwf” an encrypted password file will be created. Such password is the SYS source remote database password. Doing a clone/snap with “-syspwf <sys password file>” option, gDBClone will use the encrypted password, otherwise it will request at command line. If a file with the name: “SYSpasswd_file” is present under gDBClone home (“/opt/gDBClone”), at clone/snap time, gDBClone will check for the password from that file, in such case you can avoid the “-syspwf” option and no password request are done at command line. 

gDBClone Command Syntax

gDBClone clone -sdbname <source DB name>
               -sdbscan <source DB Host SCAN name> | -sconstring '<source DB connect string>'
               |-sbckloc '<backup location path>' [-time <DD-MON-YYYY_HH24:MI:SS>] [-upgrade [-parallel <number of process>]]
               |-sopcbck -opclib '<opc_lib_path>' -opcpfile '<opc_pfile_path'
                 [-scn <scn>] [-dbid <DB id>] [-rmanpwf <rman password file>] [-upgrade [-parallel <number of process>] ]
               |-catuser <catalog user> [-catpwf <rman catalog password file>] -cstring <connect string>
                 [-scn <scn>] [-dbid <DB ID>] [-sbt1 <sbt params>] [-sbt2 <sbt params>]
               -tdbname <Target Database Name> [-tdomain <Target Database Domain Name>] -tdbhome <Target Database Home Name>
               -dataacfs <acfs mount point> [-redoacfs <acfs mount point>] [-recoacfs <acfs mount point>]
              |-datadg <asm data diskgroup> [-redodg <asm redo diskgroup> ] [-recodg <asm reco diskgroup>]}
              |-dataxdg <exascale data diskgroup> [-redoxdg <exascale redo diskgroup> ] [-recoxdg <exascale reco diskgroup>]}
               [-sga_max_size <size Mb> ] [-sga_target <size Mb>] | [-pfile <file path>]
               [-channels <RMAN channels number> ] [-ssize <size Mb>] [-cbset]
               [-sdbport <Source DB SCAN Listener Port> ] [-tdbport <Target DB SCAN Listener Port>]
               [-racmod <db type> ]
               [-standby [-pmode maxperf|maxavail|maxprot] [-activedg] [-rtapply] [-dgbroker [-dgbpath1 <dgb config path>][-dgbpath2 <dgb config path>]] ]
               [-opc ] [-noping]
               [-resume ]
               [-syspwf <sys password file>]

gDBClone snap -sdbname <source DB name> -tdbname <Target Database Name>
             [-tdbhome <Target Database Home Name>]
             [-sga_max_size <size Mb>] [-sga_target <size Mb>] | [-pfile]
             [-standby [-pmode maxperf|maxavail|maxprot] [-activedg][-rtapply][-dgbroker]]
             [-sdbport <SCAN Listener Port>]
             [-racmod <db type>]
             [-syspwf <sys password file>]
             [-walletpwf <wallet password file>]

gDBClone nzdru -sdbname <Source DB name>
               -tdbname <Target Database Name>
               -udbhome <Upgraded Database Home Name>
               -service <Service Name>
              [-syspwf <sys password file>] [-tsyspwf <sys password file>]

gDBClone convert -sdbname <source noCDB name>
                 -racmod <1|2> | -tdbname <target CDB name> [-check] {[-copy] [-path <path>]}
                [-syspwf <sys password file>] [-tsyspwf <sys password file>]

gDBClone listhomes [-verbose]

gDBClone listdbs [-tree] | [-verbose]
gDBClone deldb -tdbname <database name> [-tsyspwf <sys password file>][-force]

gDBClone listsnaps -dataacfs <acfs_mount_point> [-tree]
gDBClone delsnap -snapname <snapshot name> -dataacfs <acfs_mount_point>

gDBClone syspwf -syspwf <SYS encrypted password file path>


  -sdbname      Source Database Name
  -sdbscan      Source DB Host SCAN Name
  -sconstring   Source DB connect string
  -sdbport      Source SCAN Listener Port (default 1521)
  -sbckloc      Source RMAN Full Backup Location
  -tdbname      Target Database Name
  -tdomain      Target Database Domain Name
  -tdbhome      Target Database Home Name
  -tdbport      Target SCAN Listener Port (default 1521)
  -dataacfs     Database datafiles target ACFS storage
  -redoacfs     Database redologs target ACFS storage (default dataacfs)
  -recoacfs     Database recovery target ACFS storage (default dataacfs)
  -datadg       Database datafiles target ASM diskgroup
  -redodg       Database redologs target ASM diskgroup  (default +DATA)
  -recodg       Database recovery target ASM diskgroup  (default +DATA)
  -dataxdg      Database datafiles target Exascale vault
  -redoxdg      Database redologs target Exascale vault (default @DATA)
  -recoxdg      Database recovery target Exascale vault (default @DATA)
  -standby      The clone/snap will be a physical standby database
  -pmode        Standby option: maxperf/maxavail/maxprot (default maxperf)
  -activedg     Enable Active Dataguard
  -rtapply      Enable real time apply
  -dgbroker     Enable DG Broker
  -dgbpath1     DG Broker remote configuration file path
  -dgbpath2     DG Broker remote configuration file path
  -racmod       0/1/2 == SINGLE/RACONE/RAC (default 0)
  -upgrade      Clone for upgrade
  -dbua         NZDRU upgrade using dbua (Default: autoupgrade)
  -parallel     Number of upgrade process (Default 4)
  -sga_max_size SGA Max Size (Mb)
  -sga_target   SGA Target (Mb)
  -pfile        Parameters file
  -channels     RMAN allocate channels (default 3)
  -ssize        RMAN section size
  -cbset        RMAN compressed backupset
  -opc          Required option on RACDBaaS environment
  -noping       Avoid ping check
  -resume       Clone resume
  -opclib       Location of the SBT library
  -opcpfile     Location of the SBT configuration file
  -scn          SCN number or Latest SCN from backup to clear datafile fuzziness
  -time         Time in the format 'DD-MON-YYYY_HH24:MI:SS'
  -catuser      RMAN catalog user
  -catpwf       RMAN catalog user encrypted password file
  -cstring      RMAN catalog connect string
  -sbt1         RMAN SBT Tape Parameters
  -sbt2         RMAN SBT Tape Parameters
  -dbid         Database ID
  -syspwf       SYS encrypted password file
  -tsyspwf      SYS encrypted password file
  -rmanpwf      RMAN encrypted password file
  -walletpwf    Wallet encrypted password file
  -check        Will perform a CDB to PDB conversion pre-check
  -copy         Will copy the source noCDB datafiles to CDB location (default: nocopy)
  -path         Path where to copy the dbfiles (default CDB system dbf path)
  -tree         With listdb will show the Parent/Snapshot tree
  -verbose      Display OH & version on listdb
  -force        With deldb will unregister the db
  -rmandbg      On cloning RMAN debug log file location
  -version      Show program's version number and exit

gDBClone Installation

gDBClone can be installed using the RPM (RedHat Package Manager) command as following:

# rpm -i gDBClone-3.0.6-X.<arch>.rpm

 (*) X=version number
<arch>=OS architecture (el6, el7, solaris i386, solaris sparc)

or updating an installed version, issuing:

# rpm -Uvh gDBClone-3.0.6-X.<arch>.rpm

 Following files are created under ‘/opt/gDBClone’:

# tree /opt/gDBClone
├── gDBClone.bin
└── utils

1 directory, 2 files

gDBClone deinstallation

gDBClone can be removed using the RPM (RedHat Package Manager) command as following: 

# rpm -e gDBClone-3.0.6-X.<arch>

(*) X=version number
<arch>=OS architecture (el6, el7, solaris i386, solaris sparc)  

Managing gDBClone Privileges and Security with SUDO

gDBClone command-line utility requires root system privileges for most actions. You may want to use SUDO as part of your system auditing and security policy.
For most tasks, you need to log in as root to use the gDBClone command-line interface. If you are not logged in as root, then you cannot carry out most actions such clone, snap.

Allowing Root User Access Using SUDO

In environments where system administration is handled by a different group than database administration, or where security is a significant concern, you may want to limit access to the root user account and password. SUDO enables system administrators to grant certain users (or groups of users) the ability to run commands as root, while logging all commands and arguments as part of your security and compliance protocol.
A SUDO security policy is configured by using the file /etc/sudoers. Within the sudoers file, you can configure groups of users and sets of commands to simplify and audit server administration with SUDO commands.

Caution: Configuring SUDO to allow a user to perform any operation is equivalent to giving that user root privileges. Consider carefully if this is appropriate for your security needs.
SUDO Example 1: Allow a User to Perform Any gDBClone Operation

This example shows how to configure SUDO to enable a user to perform any gDBClone operation. You
do this by adding lines to the commands section in the /etc/sudoers file:

Cmnd_Alias GDBCLONE_CMD=/opt/gDBClone/gDBClone *

In this example, the user name is rcitton . The file parameter setting ALL=GDBCLONE_CMDS grants the
user rcitton permission to run all gDBClone commands that are defined by the command alias

SUDO Example 2: Allow a User to Perform Only Selected gDBClone Operations

To configure SUDO to allow an user to perform only selected gDBClone operations, add lines to the
commands section in the /etc/sudoers file as follows:

Cmnd_Alias GDBCLONE_CMD=/opt/gDBClone/gDBClone clone
SUDO Example 3: Allow a User to Perform Any gDBClone Operation without password request

To configure SUDO to allow an user to perform gDBClone operations without password request, add
lines to the commands section in the /etc/sudoers file as follows:

Cmnd_Alias GDBCLONE_CMD=/opt/gDBClone/gDBClone *

Limitations & Considerations

gDBClone works on a Grid Infrastructure environment and on Oracle Restart (SIHA). Source database must be in archivelog mode when cloning/snapshotting as it’s executed a hot clone/snapshot. Multitenant database (CDB) snapshot is not currently supported if contains PDBs created as “snapshot copy”.
“gDBClone snap” needs EE (Enterprise Edition) Databases as the RMAN snapshot time recovery feature is needed and Grid Infrastructure version 12.1 or above. GI version 11g is not supported due to missing ACFS snapshot-of-snapshot feature capability.

gDBClone to target ACFS Consideration


"gDBClone clone" to target ACFS will duplicate the source database to an ACFS snapshot and not to ACFS "root". Later gDBClone snap is expecting the source database running from an ACFS snapshot.
The idea is to have a single ACFS filesystem to store many different databases.
Every single databse will be stored on a single ACFS snapshot and the "root" ACFS will be keep empty to preserve space and avoid duplicates when we are going to take a snapshot.

Recovery Manager (RMAN) considerations

Starting with Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1), you can use multisection backup sets to transfer the source files required to perform active database duplication. Use the ‘-ssize’ clause in the “gDBClone clone” command to create multisection backup sets that can be used for active database duplication.
You can compress the backup sets created to transfer files from the source database to the destination database. Using compressed backup sets minimizes the size of the backup sets and thus provides better performance for the database duplication. Compressing backup sets used by “gDBClone clone” is supported starting with Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1).

Source database using Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)

Transparent Data Encryption (TDE), which functions at the column level, and tablespace encryption. If you are cloning a database with encrypted tablespaces, you must manually copy the keystore to the duplicate database. If the keystore is not an auto login (SSO) keystore, then you must convert it to an auto login keystore at the duplicate database. (See also case study)

Database clone/snap overwriting SGA parameters

gDBClone is supporting the possibility to clone/snap a source database “overwriting” some SGA parameters. You can leverage on this feature using the “-pfile <parameters file>” command option. The supported parameters are the following:


It’s possible “overwrite” just only sga_max_size & sga_target, using “-sga_max_size <size Mb>” & “-sga_target <size Mb>” gDBClone command option. 

gDBClone usage example

1. Clone a Remote/Local (physical/standby or backup) database to ACFS(Gold/Image)


gDBclone clone command options:

$ sudo /opt/gDBClone/gDBClone clone -sdbname ORCL \
                                    -sdbscan exadata316-scan \
                                    -tdbname GOLD \
                                    -tdbhome OraDb12201_home1 \
                                    -dataacfs /u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore
                                   [-redoacfs <acfs mount point>][-recoacfs <acfs mount point>]

You could use “-redoacfs” and/or “-recoacfs” to store redologs/archivelogs in different ACFS filesystems. 

Note: If you need to decrease/increase the SGA footprint, example if your target local system cannot accommodate the source SGA, you can leverage on “-sga_max_size” and “-sga_target” gDBClone clone parameters (both expressed in Mb), or using the more comprehensive “-pfile” option.

2. Clone a Remote/Local database to ASM and make it a RAC database


 gDBclone clone command options:

# gDBClone.bin clone -sdbname ORCL \
                     -sdbscan exadata316-scan \
                     -tdbname GOLD \
                     -tdbhome OraDb12201_home1 \
                     -datadg +MYDATA
                    [-redodg <dgname>][-recodg <dgname>]

Local default ASM diskgroup:+DATA
Local ASM diskgroup override: -datadg <dgname>, -redodg <dgname>, -recodg <dgname>

3. Clone a Multitenant database to ACFS


gDBclone clone command options:

# gDBClone.bin clone -sdbname ORCL \
                     -sdbscan exadata316-scan \
                     -tdbname GOLD \
                     -tdbhome OraDb12201_home1 \
                     -dataacfs /u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore
                   [ -standby [-pmode maxperf|maxavail|maxprot] [-activedg] [-rtapply] ]
                   [ -racmod <db type> ]

Note: no extra options are needed, automatic CDB recognition

4. Clone a remote database to Exascale

gDBclone clone command options:

# gDBClone.bin clone \
                     -sdbname \
                     -sdbscan racpack-scan.racpack.sub11110943180.exascale.exascale \
                     -tdbname CLONE \
                     -tdomain \
                     -tdbhome DbHome_1 \
                     -dataxdg @0nhGLu2f \
                     -syspwf syspasswd \
                     -racmod 2

5. Snapshot a gold/master database as RAC OneNode

# gDBClone.bin snap -sdbname GOLD \
                    -tdbname SNAP \
                    -racmod 1

In this case as the “ -tdbhome ” option is not provided, the ORACLE_HOME will be the same source database’s ORACLE_HOME.  

Note: If you need to decrease/increase the SGA footprint, example if your target local system cannot accommodate the source SGA, you can leverage on “-sga_max_size” and “-sga_target” gDBClone snap parameters (both expressed in Mb), or using the more comprehensive “-pfile” option.

6. Convert a database (SI or RAC OneNode) to RAC

# gDBClone.bin convert -sdbname SNAP \
                       -racmod 2
Note: “ -racmod ” 0/1/2 = SINGLE/RACONE/RAC (default 0). Convert RAC OneNode, RAC to single instance is not supported.

7. Convert a non-CDB database to PDB of a given CDB

# gDBClone.bin convert -sdbname <source noCDB name>
                       -tdbname <target CDB name>
                      [-check] {[-copy] [-path <path>]}

-check Will perform a CDB to PDB conversion pre-check
-copy Will copy the source noCDB datafiles to CDB location (default: nocopy)
-path Path where to copy the dbfiles (default CDB system dbf path)

Note: before the conversion you may want execute “ gDBClone convert -check ” to verify the conversion result in “dry mode”. Using “-check” a report with warnings and potential conversion errors is generated for your review.

8. Delete database

# gDBClone.bin deldb -tdbname SNAP -force

9. List databases 

Having the following scenario, “ gDBClone listdb ” will list relations and database type


Using "-tree" option


Using "-verbose" option


10. Create an encrypted SYS password file

# gDBClone syspwf -syspwf /opt/gDBClone/SYSpasswd_file

Case Studies

The gDBClone script provides flexible options and configurations to best fulfill the customer’s requirements. 

1. Managing a test & dev environment combined with Oracle Data Guard

Many customers deploy Oracle Data Guard as their disaster recovery solution. When you create the standby database on an ACFS file system, you will have simple options to create and manage a test & dev environment on the standby cluster. This makes better utilization of the standby resources while enabling a test and dev environment. The following diagram illustrates a test and dev environment that can easily be managed using the gDBClone commands:


Using the ‘gDBClone snap’ function, you can either create multiple snapshots and provision for different purposes, or create a snapshot to preserve the point in time copy and create snaps of snaps to deploy identical copies of databases for test & dev as you can see from the diagram above. The advantage of this approach is that the master copy of the database (standby) is continuously refreshed by Data Guard allowing disaster recovery as well as refreshed data for testing. 

Such scenario can be setup using gDBClone within few commands:

1) On target list the available Oracle Homes:

gDBClone.bin listhomes

Oracle Home Name Home Location
---------------- ------------
OraDb11204_home1 /u01/app/oracle/product/
OraDb12102_home1 /u01/app/oracle/product/
OraDb12201_home1 /u01/app/oracle/product/
OraDb19700_home1 /u01/app/oracle/product/

2) Create an encrypted SYS (source database) password file (optional):

$ sudo /opt/gDBClone/gDBClone.bin syspwf -syspwf /opt/gDBClone/SYS.passwd_file

Please enter the SYS User password :    ## Enter the SYS source database password
Please re-enter the SYS user password : ##re-enter the SYS source DB password file

SYS password file created as /opt/gDBClone/SYS.passwd_file

Note: if you skip the syspwf file creation, the SYS source database password will be requested at command line 

3) Clone the source database (ORCL) on target as Standby database (CLONE):

$ sudo /opt/gDBClone/gDBClone.bin clone -sdbname DB197H1 \
                                        -sdbscan exadata316-scan \
                                        -tdbname CLONE \
                                        -tdbhome OraDb19700_home1 \
                                        -dataacfs /u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore \
                                        -redoacfs /u03/app/oracle \
                                        -recoacfs /u03/app/oracle \
                                        -syspwf /opt/gDBClone/SYS.passwd_file \

output example:

INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:06: Please check the logfile '/opt/gDBClone/out/log/gDBClone_21040.log' for more details

MacroStep1 - Getting information and validating setup...
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:06: Validating environment
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:06: Checking superuser usage
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:06: Checking if target database name 'CLONE' is a valid name
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:06: Checking if target database home 'OraDb19700_home1' exists
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:06: Checking if Oracle Restart
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:06: Checking ping to host 'exadata316-scan'
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:06: Getting ORACLE_BASE path from orabase
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:06: Checking if target database 'CLONE' exists
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:06: Checking 'CLONE' snapshot existence on '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore'
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:06: Checking registered instance 'CLONE'
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:26: Checking listener on 'exadata316-scan:1521'
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:26: Checking ACFS command options
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:26: Checking if '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore' is an ACFS file system
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:26: Checking if '/u03/app/oracle' is an ACFS file system
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:26: Checking if '/u03/app/oracle' is an ACFS file system
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:30: Checking source and target database version
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:33: Checking source database size
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:36: Checking source database role
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:40: Checking source log mode
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:43: Checking Force Logging mode
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:47: Checking Flashback mode
WARNING: 2020-07-17 17:56:50: Source database 'DB197H1' is not in FLASHBACK mode
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:50: Checking LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST settings
SUCCESS: 2020-07-17 17:56:54: Environment validation complete

MacroStep2 - Setting up clone environment...
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:54: Creating local pfile
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:54: Creating local password file
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:57: Creating local Audit folder
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:57: Checking local auxiliary listener
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:58: Creating local auxiliary listener
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:58: Starting auxiliary listener
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:56:58: Sleeping 60 secs, please wait
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:57:58: Setting up ACFS storage
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:57:58: Creating dynamic scripts
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:58:01: Cloning to target ACFS from host 'rcvm-scan' as standby database
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:58:07: Creating RMAN script for spfile target to ACFS
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:58:08: Instantiating standby database
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:58:08: ...getting standby logs on source database DB197H1
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:58:11: ...getting MAX redologs group on source database DB197H1
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:58:15: ...getting THREAD# and redolog size on source database DB197H1
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:58:19: ...creating standby logs on source database DB197H1
SUCCESS: 2020-07-17 17:58:33: Environment setup complete

MacroStep3 - Cloning database 'DB197H1'...
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:58:33: Getting cluster_interconnects values on 'DB197H1'
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:58:36: Database clone from active database in progress, please wait
INFO: 2020-07-17 17:58:36: (this can take a while depending on database size and/or network speed)
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:00:06: Cloned database restore until SCN:2173758 done successfully
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:00:06: Moving spfile
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:00:34: Register 'CLONE' database as cluster resource
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:00:37: Updating spfile
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:00:42: Updating local pfile
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:00:46: Modifying DB instance
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:00:48: Setup ACFS dependency
SUCCESS: 2020-07-17 18:00:54: Clone database 'CLONE' created successfully

MacroStep5 - Standby setup...
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:01:10: Enabling standby file management for database 'CLONE'
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:01:13: Starting redo apply
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:01:22: Configuring primary database 'DB197H1'
SUCCESS: 2020-07-17 18:01:52: Successfully created clone "CLONE" database as standby

4) Check the target database (CLONE) creation:

gDBClone.bin listdbs

Database Name Database Type Database Role    Master/Snapshot Location/Parent
------------- ------------- -------------    --------------- ---------------
CLONE         SINGLE        PHYSICAL_STANDBY Master          /u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore/.ACFS/snaps/

5) Create a snapshot database SDB1 from the source standby CLONE database

gDBClone.bin snap -sdbname CLONE -tdbname S1DB

Note: in order to get a snapshot database from a source standby database, the Flashback is mandatory, if needed, on source CLONE standby database execute:


Note: without “ -tdbhome <Target Database Home Name> ” parameter, the database home will be the same source database oracle home, in this example “ OraDb19700_home1” 

output example:

INFO: 2020-07-17 18:07:59: Please check the logfile '/opt/gDBClone/out/log/gDBClone_23972.log' for more details

MacroStep1 - Getting information and validating setup...

Please enter the 'SYS' User password for the database CLONE:
Please re-enter the 'SYS' user password for the database CLONE:
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:08:04: Validating environment...
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:08:04: Superuser usage check
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:08:04: Clusterware running check
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:08:04: Oracle Restart check
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:08:04: Minimum crs activeversion check
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:08:04: Database 'CLONE' existence check
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:08:04: Database 'CLONE' running check
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:08:06: Getting ORACLE_BASE path from orabase
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:08:06: Checking if target database name S1DB is a valid name
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:08:06: Checking database 'CLONE' connectivity
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:08:21: Checking whether the database 'CLONE' is in ACFS snapshot
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:08:21: Checking source database 'CLONE' and target dbhome version
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:08:28: Checking if target database 'S1DB' exists
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:08:28: Checking registered instance 'S1DB'
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:08:48: Checking if S1DB exists as snapshot in '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore'
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:08:48: Checking if source database CLONE is snapable
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:08:55: ...Checking whether the database 'CLONE' is entirely on ACFS
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:09:02: ...Checking whether the database 'CLONE' is a primary/physical standby database.
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:09:05: ...Checking whether the Physical Standby database 'CLONE' is in MOUNT mode
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:09:12: ...Checking flashback on database 'CLONE'
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:09:19: ...Checking whether the database 'CLONE' is a multitenant
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:09:34: ...Checking whether the database 'CLONE' is running in archivelog mode
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:09:41: ...Checking if all the datafiles are available
SUCCESS: 2020-07-17 18:09:48: Environment validation complete

MacroStep2 - Getting database snapshot...
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:09:48: Cloning source database 'CLONE' using ACFS snapshot
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:10:27: Entering into SNAP database creation phase 1
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:10:49: Converting physical standby 'CLONE' to snapshot standby
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:11:26: ...getting the snapshot of Database 'CLONE' at this time
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:11:26: ...successfully took the snapshot 'S1DB' of database 'CLONE' on '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore'
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:13:02: ...Converting snapshot standby 'CLONE' to physical standby
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:14:00: ...Starting redolog apply on standby database 'CLONE'
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:14:13: ...Setting up storage for SNAP Database 'S1DB'
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:14:18: Entering into SNAP database creation phase 2
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:14:18: ...Creating controlfile for database 'S1DB'
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:14:41: ...Opening the database 'S1DB' with resetlogs
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:14:51: ...Setting the temporary tablespace for database 'S1DB'
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:16:08: ...Changing the Database ID
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:17:42: ...Creating spfile for 'S1DB'
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:17:51: ...Creating password file for S1DB
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:17:51: Entering into SNAP database creation phase 3
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:18:16: ...Successfully started the database
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:18:20: ...Setting RMAN SNAPSHOT control file
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:19:40: Setup ACFS dependency
SUCCESS: 2020-07-17 18:19:48: Snapshot database 'S1DB' created successfully
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:19:48: Starting database 'S1DB'
SUCCESS: 2020-07-17 18:19:50: Successfully started clone database 'S1DB'

6) Check the target database (S1DB) creation: 

gDBClone.bin listdbs

Database Name Database Type Database         Role Master/Snapshot Location/Parent
------------- ------------- -------------    ---------------      ---------------
CLONE         SINGLE        PHYSICAL_STANDBY Master               /u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore/.ACFS/snaps/
S1DB          SINGLE        PRIMARY          Snapshot             CLONE

Note: you could verify the parent relationship also doing

gDBClone.bin listdbs -tree

Parent Child
------ -----

Note: a branch tree will be displayed only if the parent exists!

7) Create a snapshot database S2DB as RAC(Real Application Cluster) from the source standby CLONE database:

gDBClone.bin snap -sdbname CLONE \
                  -tdbname S2DB \
                  -racmod 2


INFO: 2020-07-17 18:26:13: Please check the logfile '/opt/gDBClone/out/log/gDBClone_11429.log' for more details

MacroStep1 - Getting information and validating setup...

Please enter the 'SYS' User password for the database CLONE:
Please re-enter the 'SYS' user password for the database CLONE:
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:26:17: Validating environment...
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:26:17: Superuser usage check
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:26:17: Clusterware running check
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:26:17: Oracle Restart check
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:26:17: Minimum crs activeversion check
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:26:17: Database 'CLONE' existence check
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:26:18: Database 'CLONE' running check
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:26:20: Getting ORACLE_BASE path from orabase
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:26:20: Checking if target database name S2DB is a valid name
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:26:20: Checking database 'CLONE' connectivity
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:26:35: Checking whether the database 'CLONE' is in ACFS snapshot
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:26:35: Checking source database 'CLONE' and target dbhome version
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:26:42: Checking if target database 'S2DB' exists
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:26:43: Checking registered instance 'S2DB'
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:27:05: Checking if S2DB exists as snapshot in '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore'
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:27:05: Checking if source database CLONE is snapable
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:27:12: ...Checking whether the database 'CLONE' is entirely on ACFS
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:27:20: ...Checking whether the database 'CLONE' is a primary/physical standby database.
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:27:22: ...Checking whether the Physical Standby database 'CLONE' is in MOUNT mode
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:27:30: ...Checking flashback on database 'CLONE'
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:27:37: ...Checking whether the database 'CLONE' is a multitenant
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:27:51: ...Checking whether the database 'CLONE' is running in archivelog mode
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:27:59: ...Checking if all the datafiles are available
SUCCESS: 2020-07-17 18:28:06: Environment validation complete

MacroStep2 - Getting database snapshot...
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:28:06: Cloning source database 'CLONE' using ACFS snapshot
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:28:43: Entering into SNAP database creation phase 1
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:29:05: Converting physical standby 'CLONE' to snapshot standby
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:29:44: ...getting the snapshot of Database 'CLONE' at this time
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:29:44: ...successfully took the snapshot 'S2DB' of database 'CLONE' on '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore'
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:31:20: ...Converting snapshot standby 'CLONE' to physical standby
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:32:18: ...Starting redolog apply on standby database 'CLONE'
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:32:31: ...Setting up storage for SNAP Database 'S2DB'
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:32:37: Entering into SNAP database creation phase 2
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:32:37: ...Creating controlfile for database 'S2DB'
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:32:58: ...Opening the database 'S2DB' with resetlogs
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:33:06: ...Setting the temporary tablespace for database 'S2DB'
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:34:21: ...Changing the Database ID
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:35:52: ...Creating spfile for 'S2DB'
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:36:02: ...Creating password file for S2DB
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:36:02: Entering into SNAP database creation phase 3
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:36:27: ...Successfully started the database
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:36:31: ...Setting RMAN SNAPSHOT control file
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:37:50: Setup ACFS dependency
SUCCESS: 2020-07-17 18:37:58: Snapshot database 'S2DB' created successfully

MacroStep3 - Converting clone database 'S2DB' to cluster mode...
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:38:03: Checking 'Real Application Clusters' option
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:38:10: Getting DG or mount point dependency
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:38:13: Database conversion started...
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:38:13: Making required redolog thread
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:38:17: The number of the nodes is less or equal the thread#, no more redolog thread are required
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:38:17: Making required undo tablespaces
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:38:25: Making required cluster database spfile changes
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:38:55: Making required instances spfile changes
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:40:01: Register 'S2DB' database as RAC database
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:40:03: Registering additional instance
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:40:04: Copying password file to the cluster nodes...
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:40:04: ...copying '/u01/app/oracle/product/' to 'rcvm'
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:40:05: Copying pfile to the cluster nodes...
INFO: 2020-07-17 18:40:05: Setup ACFS dependency back...
SUCCESS: 2020-07-17 18:40:08: Database 'S2DB' converted to RAC successfully

INFO: 2020-07-17 18:40:08: Starting database 'S2DB'
SUCCESS: 2020-07-17 18:40:29: Successfully started clone database 'S2DB'

8) Check the target database (S2DB) creation:

Database Name Database Type Database Role      Master/Snapshot  Location/Parent
------------- ------------- -------------      ---------------  ---------------
CLONE         SINGLE        PHYSICAL_STANDBY   Master           /u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore/.ACFS/snaps/
S1DB          SINGLE        PRIMARY            Snapshot         CLONE
S2DB          RAC           PRIMARY            Snapshot         CLONE

2. Creating database clone using RMAN backupsets

Databases may be cloned using RMAN backupsets from the production server to minimize the overhead. The backupsets may be exported using the NFS network protocol as the source for the gDBClone command.


The backup sets may be mounted via NFS on the test cluster. In this case, the NFS mount must be exported using the “insecure” export option on the source server for Oracle Database 12c tools to access the NFS mount properly.

The following is an example of RMAN source database full backup command:

BACKUP SPFILE FORMAT '/mnt/backup/ORCL/spfile_%U';

The gDBClone command (example) is as following: 

gDBClone.bin clone -sdbname DB197H1 \
                   -sbckloc /mnt/backup/ORCL/ \
                   -tdbname GOLD \
                   -tdbhome OraDb19700_home1 \
                   -dataacfs /u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore \
                   -redoacfs /u03/app/oracle \
                   -recoacfs /u03/app/oracle \
                   -syspwf SYS.passwd


INFO: 2020-07-18 10:19:17: Please check the logfile '/opt/gDBClone/out/log/gDBClone_13551.log' for more details

MacroStep1 - Getting information and validating setup...
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:19:17: Validating environment
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:19:17: Checking superuser usage
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:19:17: Checking if target database name 'GOLD' is a valid name
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:19:17: Checking if target database home 'OraDb19700_home1' exists
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:19:17: Checking if Oracle Restart
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:19:17: Checking source backup location /u01/BACKUP/DB197H1...
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:19:17: Getting ORACLE_BASE path from orabase
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:19:17: Checking if target database 'GOLD' exists
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:19:17: Checking 'GOLD' snapshot existence on '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore'
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:19:17: Checking registered instance 'GOLD'
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:19:45: Checking listener on 'rcvm-scan:1521'
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:19:45: Checking ACFS command options
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:19:45: Checking if '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore' is an ACFS file system
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:19:45: Checking if '/u03/app/oracle' is an ACFS file system
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:19:45: Checking if '/u03/app/oracle' is an ACFS file system
SUCCESS: 2020-07-18 10:19:50: Environment validation complete

MacroStep2 - Setting up clone environment...
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:19:50: Creating local pfile
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:19:50: Creating local password file
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:19:50: Creating local Audit folder
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:19:50: Checking local auxiliary listener
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:19:50: Creating local auxiliary listener
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:19:50: Starting auxiliary listener
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:19:50: Sleeping 60 secs, please wait
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:20:50: Setting up ACFS storage
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:20:50: Creating dynamic scripts
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:20:53: Cloning to target ACFS from backup location '/u01/BACKUP/DB197H1'
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:20:53: Creating RMAN script for spfile target to ACFS
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:20:53: Instantiating clone database
SUCCESS: 2020-07-18 10:20:53: Environment setup complete

MacroStep3 - Cloning database 'DB197H1'...
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:20:53: Database clone from backup in progress, please wait
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:20:53: (this can take a while depending on database size and/or network speed)
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:23:41: Cloned database restore until SCN:2401020 done successfully
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:23:41: Moving spfile
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:24:44: Register 'GOLD' database as cluster resource
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:24:48: Updating spfile
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:24:53: Updating local pfile
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:24:53: Checking database name
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:24:53: Modifying DB instance
INFO: 2020-07-18 10:24:55: Setup ACFS dependency
SUCCESS: 2020-07-18 10:25:01: Clone database 'GOLD' created successfully

INFO: 2020-07-18 10:25:01: Starting database 'GOLD'
SUCCESS: 2020-07-18 10:25:19: Successfully created clone database 'GOLD'


Note: if LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 is set on source database backup, the clone may fail with error
Unset LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2 on source database, get a full database backup and retry the clone with “-sbckloc”

Check for the new cloned database “GOLD”: 

Database Name Database Type  Database Role Master/Snapshot Location/Parent
------------- -------------  ------------- --------------- ---------------
GOLD          SINGLE         PRIMARY       Master          /u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore/.ACFS/snaps/

3. Creating database clone from Oracle Cloud Database Backup Service (OCI)

Databases can be cloned from the Oracle Cloud Database Backup Service. Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module is required.

gDBClone command (example) is as following:

gDBClone.bin clone -sdbname DB197H1 \
                   -sopcbck -opclib /opt/bck2cloud/oci/libopc \
                   -opcpfile /opt/bck2cloud/oci/bck2cloud.conf \
                   -dbid 3206634329 \
                   -tdbname DB197H1 \
                   -tdbhome OraDb19700_home1 \
                   -datadg +DATA \
                   -redodg +RECO \
                   -recodg +RECO \
                   -channels 6 \
                   -rmanpwf RMAN.password \
                   -syspwf SYS.passwd_file

"-opclib" is specifiing where is located the "Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module" library
"-opcpfile" is specifiing where is located the "Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module" configuration file

Then contenf for "Oracle Database Cloud Backup Module" configuration file is something like

OPC_HOST=https://objectstorage.<region><tennant name>
OPC_WALLET='LOCATION=file:<wallet location> CREDENTIAL_ALIAS=alias_oci'
OPC_CONTAINER=<bucket name>
OPC_COMPARTMENT_ID=<compartment id>

gDBClone command output:

INFO: 2020-07-18 12:46:16: Please check the logfile '/opt/gDBClone/out/log/gDBClone_32629.log' for more details

MacroStep1 - Getting information and validating setup...
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:46:17: Validating environment
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:46:17: Checking superuser usage
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:46:17: Checking if target database name 'DB197H1' is a valid name
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:46:17: Checking if target database home 'OraDb19700_home1' exists
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:46:17: Checking if Oracle Restart
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:46:17: Getting ORACLE_BASE path from orabase
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:46:17: Checking if target database 'DB197H1' exists
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:46:18: Checking registered instance 'DB197H1'
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:46:45: Checking listener on 'rcvm-scan:1521'
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:46:45: Checking ASM command options
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:46:50: Checking if '+DATA' is a valid ASM diskgroup
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:46:51: Checking '+DATA' RDBMS compatible
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:46:52: Checking if '+RECO' is a valid ASM diskgroup
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:46:53: Checking '+RECO' RDBMS compatible
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:46:54: Checking if '+RECO' is a valid ASM diskgroup
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:46:56: Checking '+RECO' RDBMS compatible
SUCCESS: 2020-07-18 12:47:00: Environment validation complete

MacroStep2 - Setting up clone environment...
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:47:00: Creating local password file
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:47:00: Creating local Audit folder
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:47:01: Setting up ASM storage
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:47:01: Getting GI ORACLE_BASE from orabase
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:47:11: Instantiating clone database
SUCCESS: 2020-07-18 12:47:11: Environment setup complete

MacroStep3 - Cloning database 'DB197H1' from Cloud Storage Backup...
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:47:11: Restoring the spfile as pfile
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:51:05: Updating the pfile '/u01/app/oracle/product/'
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:51:07: Creating spfile from pfile
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:51:07: Creating spfile to ASM
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:51:50: Register 'DB197H1' database as cluster resource
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:51:52: Restoring the controlfile
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:52:39: Restoring the database
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:54:08: Getting latest SCN
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:54:42: Recovering the database until SCN '2414210'
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:55:03: Modifying DB instance
INFO: 2020-07-18 12:55:06: Setup ASM DG dependency
SUCCESS: 2020-07-18 12:55:11: Clone database 'DB197H1' created successfully

INFO: 2020-07-18 12:55:11: Starting database 'DB197H1'
SUCCESS: 2020-07-18 12:55:13: Successfully created clone database 'DB197H1'

4. Creating database clone from RMAN full backup and upgrade to 19c

In the following scenario we are cloning an 11g database from an RMAN full backup, upgrading to 19c and making it a RAC database.


Steps to clone an 11g database to 19c:

  1. Execute Preupgrade script (preupgrd.sql on 12c, preupgrade.jar on 19c) at 11g database. Such script will validate 11g database for upgrade and provide recommendations. This script is available under '$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin' directory.
  2. Take the RMAN full backup
  3. Do the gDBClone “clone for upgrade”

The gDBClone command (example) is as following:

gDBClone.bin clone -sdbname PROD \
                   -sbckloc /u01/BACKUP/PROD/ \
                   -tdbname PRODUPG \
                   -tdbhome OraDb19700_home1 \
                   -dataacfs /u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore \
                   -redoacfs /u03/app/oracle \
                   -recoacfs /u03/app/oracle \
                   -upgrade -parallel 8 \
                   -racmod 2 \
                   -syspwf /opt/gDBClone/SYS.passwd


INFO: 2020-07-18 14:24:58: Please check the logfile '/opt/gDBClone/out/log/gDBClone_30868.log' for more details

MacroStep1 - Getting information and validating setup...
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:24:59: Validating environment
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:24:59: Checking superuser usage
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:24:59: Checking if target database name 'PRODUPG' is a valid name
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:24:59: Checking if target database home 'OraDb19700_home1' exists
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:24:59: Checking if Oracle Restart
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:24:59: Checking source backup location /u01/BACKUP/PROD/...
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:24:59: Getting ORACLE_BASE path from orabase
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:24:59: Checking if target database 'PRODUPG' exists
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:24:59: Checking 'PRODUPG' snapshot existence on '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore'
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:24:59: Checking registered instance 'PRODUPG'
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:25:30: Checking listener on 'rcvm-scan:1521'
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:25:30: Checking ACFS command options
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:25:30: Checking if '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore' is an ACFS file system
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:25:30: Checking if '/u03/app/oracle' is an ACFS file system
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:25:30: Checking if '/u03/app/oracle' is an ACFS file system
SUCCESS: 2020-07-18 14:25:39: Environment validation complete

MacroStep2 - Setting up clone environment...
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:25:39: Creating local pfile
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:25:39: Creating local password file
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:25:39: Creating local Audit folder
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:25:39: Checking local auxiliary listener
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:25:39: Creating local auxiliary listener
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:25:39: Starting auxiliary listener
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:25:39: Sleeping 60 secs, please wait
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:26:39: Setting up ACFS storage
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:26:39: Creating dynamic scripts
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:26:42: Cloning to target ACFS from backup location '/u01/BACKUP/PROD/'
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:26:42: Creating RMAN script for spfile target to ACFS
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:26:42: Instantiating clone database
SUCCESS: 2020-07-18 14:26:42: Environment setup complete

MacroStep3 - Cloning database 'PROD'...
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:26:42: Database clone from backup in progress, please wait
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:26:42: (this can take a while depending on database size and/or network speed)
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:29:24: Cloned database restore until SCN:2618982 done successfully
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:29:24: Moving spfile
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:29:52: Register 'PRODUPG' database as cluster resource
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:29:55: Updating spfile
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:30:00: Updating local pfile
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:30:00: Performing required actions for upgrade
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:30:00: ...Starting database 'PRODUPG' for upgrade
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:30:15: ...Opening database 'PRODUPG' for upgrade
INFO: 2020-07-18 14:30:31: ...Performing catalog upgrade, this can take a while, see '/opt/gDBClone/out/log'
INFO: 2020-07-18 15:06:51: ...Starting database 'PRODUPG'
INFO: 2020-07-18 15:07:10: ...Performing post upgrade scripts, this can take a while, see '/opt/gDBClone/out/log'
CATALOG Oracle Database Catalog Views UPGRADED
CATPROC Oracle Database Packages and Types UPGRADED
JAVAVM JServer JAVA Virtual Machine UPGRADED
CATJAVA Oracle Database Java Packages UPGRADED
APS OLAP Analytic Workspace UPGRADED
RAC Oracle Real Application Clusters UPGRADED
OWM Oracle Workspace Manager UPGRADED
XDB Oracle XML Database UPGRADED
ORDIM Oracle Multimedia UPGRADED
APEX Oracle Application Express VALID
SUCCESS: 2020-07-18 15:07:42: Clone database upgraded successfully
INFO: 2020-07-18 15:07:42: Checking database name
INFO: 2020-07-18 15:07:42: Modifying DB instance
INFO: 2020-07-18 15:07:44: Setup ACFS dependency
SUCCESS: 2020-07-18 15:07:50: Clone database 'PRODUPG' created successfully

MacroStep4 - Converting clone database 'PRODUPG' to cluster mode...
INFO: 2020-07-18 15:07:55: Checking 'Real Application Clusters' option
INFO: 2020-07-18 15:08:03: Getting DG or mount point dependency
INFO: 2020-07-18 15:08:05: Database conversion started...
INFO: 2020-07-18 15:08:06: Making required redolog thread
INFO: 2020-07-18 15:08:08: The number of the nodes is less or equal the thread#, no more redolog thread are required
INFO: 2020-07-18 15:08:08: Making required undo tablespaces
INFO: 2020-07-18 15:08:16: Making required cluster database spfile changes
INFO: 2020-07-18 15:08:47: Making required instances spfile changes
INFO: 2020-07-18 15:09:54: Register 'PRODUPG' database as RAC database
INFO: 2020-07-18 15:09:56: Registering additional instance
INFO: 2020-07-18 15:09:57: Copying password file to the cluster nodes...
INFO: 2020-07-18 15:09:57: ...copying '/u01/app/oracle/product/' to 'rcvm'
INFO: 2020-07-18 15:09:58: Copying pfile to the cluster nodes...
INFO: 2020-07-18 15:09:58: ...copying '/u01/app/oracle/product/' to 'rcvm'
INFO: 2020-07-18 15:09:58: Setup ACFS dependency back...
SUCCESS: 2020-07-18 15:10:01: Database 'PRODUPG' converted to RAC successfully

INFO: 2020-07-18 15:10:01: Starting database 'PRODUPG'
SUCCESS: 2020-07-18 15:10:21: Successfully created clone database 'PRODUPG'

5. Clone 11g Database from ASM to ACFS keeping the source running


Prior to Oracle 12c, moving datafiles is always an offline task. Using gDBClone you can “move” (clone) a database from ASM to ACFS keeping it running. If you need to preserve the transactions during the cloning operation you may consider the Oracle GoldenGate usage.

gDBClone clone -sdbname ORCL \
               -sdbscan exadata316-scan \
               -tdbname CLONE \
               -tdbhome OraDb11204_home1 \
               -dataacfs /u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore
             [ -redoacfs <acfs mount point> ]
             [ -recoacfs <acfs mount point> ]
             [ -standby [-pmode maxperf|maxavail|maxprot][-activedg] [-rtapply] ]
             [ -racmod <db type> ]

6. Create a snapshot database as RAC from a running database (GOLD clone)

Once you got a clone gold image (from a backupset or from a running physical/standby database) of your production database you can now, using the ‘gDBCone snap’ function, create multiple snapshots for different purposes. The source clone can be SI, RAC OneNode or RAC and the target snapshot database can be SI, RAC OneNode or RAC (“ -racmod ”). You could convert the snapshot database later also, using the “convert” option.


1)  Create a snapshot database SDB from the source standby CLONE database:

gDBClone.bin snap -sdbname GOLD \
                  -tdbname SDB \
                  -racmod 1


MacroStep1 - Getting information and validating setup...
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:02:55: Validating environment...
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:02:55: Superuser usage check
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:02:55: Clusterware running check
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:02:55: Minimun crs activeversion check
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:02:55: Database 'GOLD' existence check
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:02:55: Database 'GOLD' running check
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:02:57: Getting ORACLE_BASE path from orabase
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:02:57: Checking if target database name SDB is a valid name
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:02:57: Checking database 'GOLD' connectivity
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:03:07: Checking whether the database 'GOLD' is in ACFS snapshot
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:03:07: Checking source database 'GOLD' and target dbhome version
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:03:11: Checking if target database 'SDB' exists
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:03:11: Checking registered instance 'SDB'
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:03:22: Checking if SDB exists as snapshot in '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore'
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:03:22: Checking if source database GOLD is snapable
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:03:27: ...Checking whether the database 'GOLD' is entirely on ACFS
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:03:32: ...Checking whether the database 'GOLD' is a primary/physical standby database.
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:03:34: ...Checking whether the database 'GOLD' is in READ WRITE mode
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:03:38: ...Checking whether the database 'GOLD' is a CDB
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:03:43: ...Checking whether the database 'GOLD' is running as backup mode
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:03:48: ...Checking whether the database 'GOLD' is running in archivelog mode
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:03:52: ...Checking if all datafiles are available
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:03:57: ...Checking if there are OFFLINE datafiles
SUCCESS: 2017-09-25 01:04:02: Environment validation complete

MacroStep2 - Getting database snapshot...
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:04:02: Cloning source database 'GOLD' using ACFS snapshot
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:04:21: Entering into SNAP database creation phase 1
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:04:21: ...Getting required information to get consistent database snapshot
WARNING: 2017-09-25 01:04:26: Setting the database 'GOLD' in backup mode
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:04:41: ...Getting the snapshot of Database 'GOLD' at this time
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:04:41: ...Successfully took the snapshot 'SDB' of database 'GOLD' on
WARNING: 2017-09-25 01:04:51: Ending the database 'GOLD' backup mode
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:04:56: ...Setting up storage for SNAP Database 'SDB'
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:05:20: Entering into SNAP database creation phase 2
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:05:20: ...Creating controlfile for database 'SDB'
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:06:20: ...Recovering the database 'SDB' until 'SCN:15915958'
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:06:21: ...Opening the database with resetlogs
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:06:35: ...Setting the temporary tablespace for database 'SDB'
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:06:58: ...Changing the Database ID
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:07:41: ...Creating spfile for 'SDB'
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:07:42: ...Creating password file for SDB
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:07:42: Entering into SNAP database creation phase 3
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:08:12: ...Successfully started the database
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:08:12: ...Setting RMAN SNAPSHOT control file
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:08:19: ...Disabling the external references in the database 'SDB' inherited from 'GOLD'
Run on the database 'SDB' the SQL script:
to enable these external references.
Also need to restart the database after running the SQL script.
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:09:12: ...Enabling supplimentary logging for database 'SDB'
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:09:13: Enabling flashback for database 'SDB'
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:09:28: Setup ACFS dependency
SUCCESS: 2017-09-25 01:09:36: Successfully created database 'SDB' from 'GOLD'
MacroStep3 - Converting clone database 'SDB' to cluster mode...
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:09:40: Getting DG or mount point dependency
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:09:43: Database conversion started...
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:09:43: Making required redolog thread
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:09:43: The number of the nodes is less or equal the thread#, no more redolog thread are required
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:09:43: Making required undo tablespaces
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:09:48: Making required cluster database spfile changes
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:10:02: Creating audit file dest on node 'cac458'
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:10:02: Creating audit file dest on node 'cac459'
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:10:07: Making required instances spfile changes
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:10:54: Register 'SDB' database as RAC database
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:10:57: Registering additional instance
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:11:00: Copying password file to the cluster nodes...
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:11:00: ...copying '/u01/app/oracle/product/' to 'cac458'
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:11:00: ...copying '/u01/app/oracle/product/' to 'cac459'
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:11:00: Copying pfile to the cluster nodes...
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:11:00: ...copying '/u01/app/oracle/product/' to 'cac458'
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:11:00: ...copying '/u01/app/oracle/product/' to 'cac459'
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:11:00: Setup ACFS dependency back...
SUCCESS: 2017-09-25 01:11:03: Database 'SDB' converted to RAC successfully
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:11:03: Starting database 'SDB'
SUCCESS: 2017-09-25 01:12:08: Successfully created clone database 'SDB' as ACFS snapshot

2) Check the new database created:

Database Name Database Type Database Role Master/Snapshot Location/Parent
------------- ------------- ------------- --------------- ---------------
GOLD          SINGLE        PRIMARY       Master          /u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore/.ACFS/snaps/
SDB           RACOneNode    PRIMARY       Snapshot        GOLD

7. Create a clone RAC database from a “remote” standby database

Having a “remote” running standby database, using gDBClone is possible to get a clone of it. The source “remote” standby can be SI, RAC OneNode or RAC and the clone database can be SI, RAC OneNode or RAC (“-racmod”) running from ASM or ACFS. You could convert the snapshot database also later using the “convert” option.


1) Having gDBClone on remote host, check the source DB role

Database Name Database Type Database Role     Master/Snapshot Location/Parent
------------- ------------- -------------     --------------- ---------------
STDBY         RAC           PHYSICAL_STANDBY  n/a             ASM

2) Run gDBClone from target host

gDBClone.bin clone -sdbname STDBY \
                   -sdbscan remotehost-scan \
                   -tdbname CLONE \
                   -tdbhome OraDb19700_home1 \
                   -dataacfs /u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore
                 [ -redoacfs <acfs mount point> ]
                 [ -recoacfs <acfs mount point> ]
                 [ -standby [-pmode maxperf|maxavail|maxprot][-activedg] [-rtapply] ]
                 [ -racmod <db type> ]

8. Create a snapshot RAC database from a “local” standby database

Having a running standby database, using gDBClone is possible to get a snapshot of it. The source standby can be SI, RAC OneNode or RAC and the snapshot database can be SI, RAC OneNode or RAC (“ -racmod ”). You could convert the snapshot database also later using the “convert” option. 


1) Check the source Standby database

Database Name Database Type Database Role     Master/Snapshot Location/Parent
------------- ------------- -------------     --------------- ---------------
STDBY         SINGLE        PHYSICAL_STANDBY  Master          /u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore/.ACFS/snaps/

2) Create a snapshot database SNAP from the source standby STDBY database

MacroStep1 - Getting information and validating setup...
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:53:12: Validating environment...
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:53:12: Superuser usage check
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:53:12: Clusterware running check
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:53:12: Minimun crs activeversion check
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:53:12: Database 'STDBY' existence check
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:53:12: Database 'STDBY' running check
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:53:14: Getting ORACLE_BASE path from orabase
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:53:14: Checking if target database name SNAP is a valid name
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:53:14: Checking database 'STDBY' connectivity
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:53:23: Checking whether the database 'STDBY' is in ACFS snapshot
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:53:23: Checking source database 'STDBY' and target dbhome version
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:53:28: Checking if target database 'SNAP' exists
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:53:28: Checking registered instance 'SNAP'
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:53:43: Checking if SNAP exists as snapshot in '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore'
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:53:43: Checking if source database STDBY is snapable
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:53:47: ...Checking whether the database 'STDBY' is entirely on ACFS
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:53:52: ...Checking whether the database 'STDBY' is a primary/physical standby database.
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:53:54: ...Checking whether the Physical Standby database 'STDBY' is in MOUNT mode
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:53:59: ...Checking flashback on database 'STDBY'
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:54:03: ...Checking whether the database 'STDBY' is a CDB
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:54:08: ...Checking whether the database 'STDBY' is running in archivelog mode
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:54:13: ...Checking if all datafiles are available
SUCCESS: 2017-09-25 01:54:18: Environment validation complete

MacroStep2 - Getting database snapshot...
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:54:18: Cloning source database 'STDBY' using ACFS snapshot
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:54:37: Entering into SNAP database creation phase 1
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:54:50: Converting physical standby 'STDBY' to snapshot standby
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:55:14: ...Getting the snapshot of Database 'STDBY' at this time
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:55:14: ...Successfully took the snapshot 'SNAP' of database 'STDBY' on '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore'
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:56:25: ...Converting physical standby 'STDBY' to snapshot standby
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:57:11: ...Starting redolog apply on standby database 'STDBY'
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:57:25: ...Setting up storage for SNAP Database 'SNAP'
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:57:29: Entering into SNAP database creation phase 2
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:57:29: ...Creating controlfile for database 'SNAP'
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:58:26: ...Opening the database 'SNAP' with resetlogs
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:58:38: ...Setting the temporary tablespace for database 'SNAP'
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:59:04: ...Changing the Database ID
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:59:46: ...Creating spfile for 'SNAP'
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:59:48: ...Creating password file for SNAP
INFO: 2017-09-25 01:59:48: Entering into SNAP database creation phase 3
INFO: 2017-09-25 02:00:20: ...Successfully started the database
INFO: 2017-09-25 02:00:20: ...Setting RMAN SNAPSHOT control file
INFO: 2017-09-25 02:00:58: ...Enabling supplimentary logging for database 'SNAP'
INFO: 2017-09-25 02:00:59: Enabling flashback for database 'SNAP'
INFO: 2017-09-25 02:01:15: Setup ACFS dependency
SUCCESS: 2017-09-25 02:01:22: Successfully created database 'SNAP' from 'STDBY'

MacroStep3 - Converting clone database 'SNAP' to cluster mode...
INFO: 2017-09-25 02:01:26: Getting DG or mount point dependency
INFO: 2017-09-25 02:01:28: Database conversion started...
INFO: 2017-09-25 02:01:28: Making required redolog thread
INFO: 2017-09-25 02:01:28: The number of the nodes is less or equal the thread#, no more redolog thread are required
INFO: 2017-09-25 02:01:28: Making required undo tablespaces
INFO: 2017-09-25 02:01:33: Making required cluster database spfile changes
INFO: 2017-09-25 02:01:48: Creating audit file dest on node 'cac458'
INFO: 2017-09-25 02:01:48: Creating audit file dest on node 'cac459'
INFO: 2017-09-25 02:01:52: Making required instances spfile changes
INFO: 2017-09-25 02:02:40: Register 'SNAP' database as RAC database
INFO: 2017-09-25 02:02:42: Registering additional instance
INFO: 2017-09-25 02:02:44: Copying password file to the cluster nodes...
INFO: 2017-09-25 02:02:44: ...copying '/u01/app/oracle/product/' to 'cac458'
INFO: 2017-09-25 02:02:44: ...copying '/u01/app/oracle/product/' to 'cac459'
INFO: 2017-09-25 02:02:45: Copying pfile to the cluster nodes...
INFO: 2017-09-25 02:02:45: ...copying '/u01/app/oracle/product/' to 'cac458'
INFO: 2017-09-25 02:02:45: ...copying '/u01/app/oracle/product/' to 'cac459'
INFO: 2017-09-25 02:02:45: Setup ACFS dependency back...
SUCCESS: 2017-09-25 02:02:47: Database 'SNAP' converted to RAC successfully
INFO: 2017-09-25 02:02:47: Starting database 'SNAP'

SUCCESS: 2017-09-25 02:03:58: Successfully created clone database 'SNAP'

3) Check the new database created

Database Name Database Type Database Role     Master/Snapshot Location/Parent
------------- ------------- -------------     --------------- ---------------
STDBY         SINGLE        PHYSICAL_STANDBY  Master          /u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore/.ACFS/snaps/
STDBY         RAC           PRIMARY           Snapshot        STDBY
gDBClone.bin listdbs -tree

Parent Child
------ -----

Note: a branch tree will be displayed only if the parent exists!

9. Clone a database from RMAN full backup to ACFS as standby Database


Create a clone database NOWK from RMAN backupset and make it as standby of source database ORCL

gDBClone.bin clone -sdbname ORCL \
                   -sbckloc /mnt/ORCL/bck \
                   -sdbscan exa316c1n1-scan \
                   -tdbname NOWK \
                   -tdbhome OraDb12102_home1 \
                   -dataacfs /u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore


MacroStep1 - Getting information and validating setup...
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:22:42: Validating environment
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:22:42: Checking superuser usage
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:22:42: Checking ping to host 'lac4-scan'
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:22:42: Checking if target database name 'NOWK' is a valid name
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:22:42: Checking if target database home 'OraDb11204_home1' exists
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:22:42: Getting ORACLE_BASE path from orabase
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:22:42: Checking if target database 'NOWK' exists
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:22:42: Checking 'NOWK' snapshot existence on '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore'
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:22:42: Checking registered instance 'NOWK'
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:22:47: Checking listener on 'lac4-scan:1521'
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:22:47: Checking ACFS command options
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:22:47: Checking if '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore' is an ACFS file system
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:22:47: Checking FLASHBACK mode
WARNING: 2017-10-02 08:22:47: Source database 'ORCL' is not in FLASHBACK mode
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:22:47: Checking LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST settings
SUCCESS: 2017-10-02 08:22:47: Environment validation complete

MacroStep2 - Setting up clone environment...
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:22:47: Creating local pfile
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:22:47: Creating local password file
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:22:47: Creating local Audit folder
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:22:47: Creating local auxiliary listener
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:22:47: Starting auxiliary listener
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:22:47: Sleeping 60 secs, please wait
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:23:47: Setting up ACFS storage
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:23:47: Creating dynamic scripts
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:23:50: Cloning to target ACFS from backup location ' /mnt/ORCL/bck ' as standby database
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:23:50: Creating RMAN script for spfile target to ACFS
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:23:50: Instantiating standby database
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:23:50: Enabling force logging
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:23:50: Getting standby logs on source database ORCL
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:23:50: Getting MAX redologs group on source database ORCL
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:23:50: Getting THREAD# and redolog size on source database ORCL
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:23:50: Creating standby logs on source database ORCL
SUCCESS: 2017-10-02 08:24:02: Environment setup complete

MacroStep3 - Cloning database 'ORCL'...
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:24:02: Getting cluster_interconnects values on 'ORCL'
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:24:02: Database clone in progress, please wait
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:24:02:
(this can take a while depending on database size and/or network speed)
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:26:12: Cloned database restore until SCN:215218 done successfully
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:26:12: Moving spfile
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:26:26: Register 'NOWK' database as cluster resource
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:26:27: Updating spfile
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:26:30: Updating local pfile
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:26:30: Modifying DB instance
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:26:31: Setup ACFS dependency
SUCCESS: 2017-10-02 08:26:35: Clone database 'NOWK' created successfully

MacroStep5 - Standby setup...
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:26:57: Enabling standby file management for database 'NOWK'
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:26:58: Starting redo apply
INFO: 2017-10-02 08:27:05: Configuring primary database 'ORCL'

SUCCESS: 2017-10-02 08:27:11: Successfully created clone "NOWK" database as standby

Check the standby creation

Database Name Database Type Database Role     Master/Snapshot Location/Parent
------------- ------------- -------------     --------------- ---------------
NOWK          SINGLE        PHYSICAL_STANDBY   Master         /u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore/.ACFS/snaps/


Note1: for a clone as standby from backup-based duplication you must have the "controlfile for standby" included in the backup:

BACKUP SPFILE FORMAT '/mnt/backup/ORCL/spfile_%U';

Note2: With backup-based duplication you must copy the password file used on the primary to the standby, for Oracle Data Guard to ship logs.

10. Clone a database from OCDBS (Oracle Cloud Database Backup Service/Storage) as RAC standby Database


Create a clone database PROD from OCDBS (Oracle Cloud Database Backup Service/Storage) and make it as standby of source database: 

gDBClone.bin clone -sdbname ORCL
                   -sdbscan oda404-scan
                   -sopcbck -opclib '/opt/bck2cloud/OPC/libopc'
                            -opcpfile '/opt/bck2cloud/OPC/bck2cloud.conf'
                   -tdbname ORCL
                   -tdbhome OraDb11204_home1
                   -dataacfs /u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore
                   -channels 6
                   -racmod 2
                   -rmanpwf RMAN.password -syspwf SYS.passwd_file


With backup-based duplication you must copy the password file used on the primary to the standby, for Oracle Data Guard to ship logs.

11. Database upgrade using Transient Logical Standby (TLS) (manual mode)

Due to “Hot Database Snapshot as Standby” capability, without impact over the source production database and "without" storage duplication, leveraging on ACFS snapshot “redirect-on-write” feature, gDBClone is making a snapshot of a running database as standby. Having a physical standby from a running
production database without downtime is the key to make a database upgrade using the Transient Logical Standby (TLS). 


The steps could be as following:

1. gDBClone snap as standby --> no downtime, minimal storage duplication (depend on source database production activity)
2. physru (TLS tool)
4. physru (TLS tool)

Note: physru is a script to minimize downtime and simplify a database rolling upgrade using a physical standby database. A 'transient logical' herein refers to the physical standby database that has been temporarily converted to a transient logical standby database for the purpose of executing the upgrade. Also see the MAA Best Practice Oracle Database Rolling Upgrades, for additional information describing this process and Oracle11g Data Guard: Database Rolling Upgrade Shell Script (Doc ID NOTE:949322.1

12. Database upgrade with limted downtime using nzdru feature (TLS automatic) (beta)

This approach will minimize the downtime required for an upgrade leveraging on transient logical standby rolling upgrade process. “gDBClone nzdru” greatly reduces the complexity of executing a rolling database upgrade by automating the upgrade steps. Although the upgrade begins with a physical standby database, the transient logical standby process uses SQL Apply to take redo generated by a database running a lower Oracle release, and apply the redo to a standby database running a higher Oracle release. When the upgrade process is complete, both the primary database and its physical standby database are operating at the new Oracle Database release.

The Steps

1. using gDBClone (clone/snap) build a physical standby (as snap or as clone, in case of clone the standby can be on ACFS or ASM)


gDBClone.bin snap -sdbname PROD -tdbname TEMP -standby

2.  Create the database service if not created yet (here an example of AC application continuity service)

/u01/app/oracle/product/ add service -d PROD -s NZDRU_AC
/u01/app/oracle/product/ modify service -d PROD -s NZDRU_AC -e SESSION -P BASIC
/u01/app/oracle/product/ modify service -d PROD -s NZDRU_AC -w 5
/u01/app/oracle/product/ modify service -d PROD -s NZDRU_AC -z 60
/u01/app/oracle/product/ modify service -d PROD -s NZDRU_AC -j SHORT
/u01/app/oracle/product/ start service -d PROD -s NZDRU_AC

/u01/app/oracle/product/ add service -d TEMP -s NZDRU_AC
/u01/app/oracle/product/ modify service -d TEMP -s NZDRU_AC -e SESSION -P BASIC
/u01/app/oracle/product/ modify service -d TEMP -s NZDRU_AC -w 5
/u01/app/oracle/product/ modify service -d TEMP -s NZDRU_AC -z 60
/u01/app/oracle/product/ modify service -d TEMP -s NZDRU_AC -j SHORT

3. Apply the nzdru feature

gDBClone.bin nzdru -sdbname PROD -tdbname TEMP \
                   -udbhome OraDb19000_home1
                   -service NZDRU_AC


By default gDBClone nzdru will upgrade the database using "autoupgrade". If you need to perform the database upgrade using "dbua" you need to use "-dbua" option

Complete execution example output:

gDBClone.bin listdbs -verbose
Database Name Database Type Database Role    Oracle Home Name Oracle Home Location                      Home Version
------------- ------------- -------------    ---------------- ----------------------------------------- -----
TEMP          SINGLE        PHYSICAL_STANDBY OraDb11204_home1 /u01/app/oracle/product/
PROD          SINGLE        PRIMARY          OraDb11204_home1 /u01/app/oracle/product/
gDBClone.bin nzdru -sdbname PROD -tdbname TEMP -udbhome OraDb19700_home1 -service NZDRU_AC

INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:08: Please check the logfile '/opt/gDBClone/out/log/gDBClone_93408.log' for more details
MacroStep1 - Stage 0 Getting information and validating setup...
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:09: [0-1] Database 'PROD' existence check
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:09: [0-1] Database 'TEMP' existence check
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:09: [0-1] DB home 'OraDb19700_home1' existence check
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:09: [0-1] Getting rdbms software version
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:14: ...Database 'PROD' is at version
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:19: ...Database 'TEMP' is at version
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:19: [0-1] Getting database 'PROD' unique name
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:20: [0-1] Getting database 'TEMP' unique name
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:21: [0-1] Getting database 'PROD' instance name
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:21: [0-1] Getting database 'TEMP' instance name
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:22: [0-1] Verifing database 'PROD' Flashback
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:27: [0-1] Verifing database 'TEMP' Flashback
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:32: [0-1] Verifing available database 'PROD' flashback restore points
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:32: [0-1] Verifing available database 'TEMP' flashback restore points
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:32: [0-1] Verifing if DG Broker is disabled on 'PROD'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:33: [0-1] Verifing if DG Broker is disabled on 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:33: [0-1] Verifing database 'PROD' temp files
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:34: [0-1] Verifing database 'TEMP' temp files
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:34: [0-1] Verifing database 'PROD' job_queue_processes
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:39: [0-1] Verifing database 'TEMP' job_queue_processes
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:44: [0-1] Looking up prior execution history
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:45: [0-1] Starting new execution of script
SUCCESS: 2017-06-01 06:17:45: Environment validation complete
MacroStep2 - Stage 1 Backup user environment in case rolling upgrade is aborted...
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:45: [1-1] Stop media recovery on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:52: [1-1] Create initial restore point 'NZDRU_0000_0001' on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:52: [1-1] Create backup control file '/u01/app/oracle/product/' on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:54: [1-1] Create initial restore point 'NZDRU_0000_0001' on database 'PROD'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:55: [1-1] Create backup control file '/u01/app/oracle/product/' on database 'PROD'
NOTE: Restore point NZDRU_0000_0001
and backup control file /u01/app/oracle/product/
can be used to restore TEMP back to its original state as a physical standby,
in case the rolling upgrade operation needs to be aborted
prior to the first switchover done in MacroStep6.
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:57: [1-1] Creating checkpoint NZDRU_0101 on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:57: ...Stop media recovery on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:57: ...Create restore point 'NZDRU_0101' on database 'TEMP'
SUCCESS: 2017-06-01 06:17:58: Backup user environment complete

MacroStep3 - Stage 2 Create transient logical standby from existing physical standby...
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:58: [2-1] Checking if RAC is disabled for database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:58: [2-1] Phase 1 - Prerequisites
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:58: ...checking database 'PROD' if PRIMARY
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:58: ...checking database 'TEMP' if PHYSICAL_STANDBY
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:17:59: ...checking database 'TEMP' if mounted
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:04: ...checking database 'TEMP' protection mode
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:04: ...exec dbms_stats.set_global_prefs on 'PROD'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:05: ...checking database 'PROD' transient logical standby datatype support
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:06: [2-1] Creating checkpoint NZDRU_0201 on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:06: ...Stop media recovery on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:06: ...Create restore point 'NZDRU_0201' on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:06: [2-2] Phase 2 - Logical build and recover to logical standby
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:06: ...checking database 'TEMP' if PHYSICAL STANDBY
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:07: ...Stop media recovery for database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:07: ...Start media recovery for database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:07: ...Starting redo apply for standby database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:18: ...Switch logs on the primary database 'PROD'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:18: ...Wait for the 'apply lag' to fall below 30 secs
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:19: ...Switch logs on primary database 'PROD'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:29: ...Apply lag measured at 10 seconds
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:29: ...Stop media recovery for database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:36: ...Logical standby instantiation for database 'PROD'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:46: ...Converting physical standby 'TEMP' into transient logical standby
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:51: [2-2] Creating checkpoint NZDRU_0202 on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:51: ...Stop media recovery on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:51: ...Create restore point 'NZDRU_0202' on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:51: [2-3] Phase 3 - Open transient logical standby database
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:51: ...Checking 'TEMP' open mode
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:52: ...Open the transient logical database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:54: [2-3] Creating checkpoint NZDRU_0203 on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:54: ...Stop media recovery on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:54: ...Create restore point 'NZDRU_0203' on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:55: [2-4] Phase 4 - Configure and startup logical standby
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:55: ...Checking 'TEMP' open mode
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:55: ...Stop logical standby 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:55: ...Set rolling upgrade parameters for 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:56: ...Start logical standby 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:18:58: ...Wait until dictionary load has finished
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:19:20: ...dictionary load 75 percent complete
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:19:31: ...Dictionary load is complete
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:19:31: ...Switch logs on the primary database 'PROD'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:19:34: ...Wait until apply lag is within 5 minutes
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:19:34: ...Wait for the 'apply lag' to fall below 30 secs
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:19:35: ...Switch logs on primary database 'PROD'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:19:38: ...Apply lag measured at 4 seconds
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:19:38: ...Database 'TEMP' is now ready to be upgraded
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:19:38: [2-4] Creating checkpoint NZDRU_0204 on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:19:38: ...Stop media recovery on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:19:38: ...Create restore point 'NZDRU_0204' on database 'TEMP'
SUCCESS: 2017-06-01 06:19:38: Transient logical standby from existing physical standby creation complete

MacroStep4 - Logical standby upgrade...
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:19:38: [3-1] Verifing if source db 'TEMP' is upgradable
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:19:49: Getting database 'TEMP' spfile
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:19:52: Upgrading the database 'TEMP'. It will take several minutes. Please wait...
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:19:54: Gathering dictionary stats
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:20:35: Running dbua to upgrade 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:46:13: Setting spfile
'/u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore/.ACFS/snaps/TEMP/TEMP/spfileTEMP.ora ' to 'TEMP'
SUCCESS: 2017-06-01 06:46:15: Logical standby upgrade complete

MacroStep5 - Stage 3 Validate upgraded transient logical standby...
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:46:15: Checking 'TEMP' open mode
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:46:20: [3-1]Database 'TEMP' is at target version
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:46:20: [3-1] Creating checkpoint NZDRU_0301 on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:46:20: ...Stop media recovery on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:46:21: ...Create restore point 'NZDRU_0301' on database 'TEMP'
SUCCESS: 2017-06-01 06:46:21: Validate upgraded transient logical standby complete 3-1

MacroStep6 - Stage 4 Transient logical standby switch role...
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:46:21: ...checking database 'PROD' if PRIMARY
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:46:21: ...checking database 'TEMP' if LOGICAL STANDBY
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:46:22: ...checking 'PROD' open mode
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:46:22: ...checking 'TEMP' open mode
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:46:22: ...waiting for 'PROD' to catch up (this could take a while)
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:46:23: ...starting logical standby on database TEMP
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:46:24: ...wait for media recovery to catch up to a recent scn
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:46:24: ...Wait for the 'apply lag' to fall below 30 secs
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:46:24: ...Switch logs on primary database 'PROD'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:47:35: ...Apply lag measured at 71 seconds
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:47:35: ...Switch logs on primary database 'PROD'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:47:37: ...Apply lag measured at 2 seconds
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:47:37: [4-1] Creating checkpoint NZDRU_0401 on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:47:37: ...Stop media recovery on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:47:37: ...Create restore point 'NZDRU_0401' on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:47:37: ***************************************************
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:47:37: ...Switch 'PROD' to logical standby role
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:47:37: ***************************************************
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:47:37: Stopping database 'PROD' service NZDRU_AC
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:47:51: [4-2] Creating checkpoint NZDRU_0402 on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:47:51: ...Stop media recovery on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:47:52: ...Create restore point 'NZDRU_0402' on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:47:52: ...confirm TEMP has witnessed the role change
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:47:53: [4-3] Creating checkpoint NZDRU_0403 on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:47:53: ...Stop media recovery on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:47:53: ...Create restore point 'NZDRU_0403' on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:47:54: ***************************************************
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:47:54: ...Switch 'TEMP' to primary role
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:47:54: ***************************************************
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:48:07: Starting database 'TEMP' service NZDRU_AC
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:48:09: [4-4] Creating checkpoint NZDRU_0404 on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:48:09: ...Stop media recovery on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:48:09: ...Create restore point 'NZDRU_0404' on database 'TEMP'
SUCCESS: 2017-06-01 06:48:10: Transient logical standby switch role complete

MacroStep7 - Stage 5 Flashback former primary to pre-upgrade restore point and convert to physical...
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:48:10: ...checking if RAC is disabled for database 'PROD'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:48:10: [5-1] Phase 1 - Checking primary and standby role
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:48:10: ...checking database 'PROD' if LOGICAL STANDBY
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:48:11: ...checking database 'TEMP' if PRIMARY
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:48:11: ...stopping database 'PROD'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:48:28: ...starting up database 'PROD'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:48:50: [5-1] Creating checkpoint NZDRU_0501 on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:48:50: ...Stop media recovery on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:48:50: ...Create restore point 'NZDRU_0501' on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:48:50: [5-2] Phase 2 - Flashing back former primary to pre-upgrade restore point
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:48:50: ...flashing back former primary 'PROD' to pre-upgrade restore point
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:49:01: [5-2] Creating checkpoint NZDRU_0502 on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:49:01: ...Stop media recovery on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:49:02: ...Create restore point 'NZDRU_0502' on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:49:02: [5-3] Phase 3 - Converting primary to physical standby database
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:49:02: ...Converting primary 'PROD' to physical standby database
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:49:03: [5-3] Creating checkpoint NZDRU_0503 on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:49:03: ...Stop media recovery on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:49:03: ...Create restore point 'NZDRU_0503' on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:49:37: ...Create restore point 'NZDRU_0504' on database 'TEMP'

INFO: 2017-06-01 06:49:37: [5-4] Creating checkpoint NZDRU_0504 on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:49:37: ...Stop media recovery on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:49:37: ...Create restore point 'NZDRU_0504' on database 'TEMP'
SUCCESS: 2017-06-01 06:49:38: Flashback former primary to pre-upgrade restore point and convert to physical complete

MacroStep8 - Stage 6 Former primary recovers...
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:49:38: [6-1] Run media recovery through upgrade redo
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:49:38: ...checking database 'PROD' role
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:49:38: ...checking database 'PROD' if mounted
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:49:44: ...checking database 'TEMP' role
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:49:44: ...checking database 'TEMP' if open as READ WRITE
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:49:50: [6-1] Upgrade redo region identified as scn range 1110493, 1566013
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:49:50: [6-1] Switch logs on the primary database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:49:52: [6-1] Copy /u01/app/oracle/product/ /u01/app/oracle/product/
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:49:52: [6-1] Add a TNS entry for 'PROD' on 'OraDb19700_home1'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:49:55: [6-1] Set _transient_logical_clear_hold_mrp_bit=true on 'PROD'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:49:55: [6-1] Start Media recovery, it will take a while...
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:50:10: [6-1] Switch logs on the primary database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:50:17: [6-1] Waiting for media recovery to initialize v$recovery_progress
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:50:36: ...monitoring media recovery's progress
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:50:36: [6-2] Creating checkpoint NZDRU_0602 on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:50:36: ...Stop media recovery on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:50:36: ...Create restore point 'NZDRU_0602' on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:50:37: recovery of upgrade redo at 4. percent - estimated complete at Jun 06:53:47
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:50:52: recovery of upgrade redo at 34 percent - estimated complete at Jun 06:51:47
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:51:08: recovery of upgrade redo at 56 percent - estimated complete at Jun 06:51:42
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:51:23: recovery of upgrade redo at 70 percent - estimated complete at Jun 06:51:49
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:51:38: recovery of upgrade redo at 82 percent - estimated complete at Jun 06:51:54
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:51:54: recovery of upgrade redo at 94 percent - estimated complete at Jun 06:51:59
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:52:09: [6-3] Creating checkpoint NZDRU_0603 on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:52:09: ...Stop media recovery on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:52:09: ...Create restore point 'NZDRU_0603' on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:52:10: recovery has finished recovering through upgrad
SUCCESS: 2017-06-01 06:52:10: Former primary recovers complete

MacroStep9 - Stage 7 Switch back...
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:52:10: [7-1] Switch back to the original roles prior to the rolling upgrade
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:52:10: [7-1] Creating checkpoint NZDRU_0701 on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:52:10: ...Stop media recovery on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:52:10: ...Create restore point 'NZDRU_0701' on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:52:11: [7-1] Phase 1 - Performing the switchover...
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:52:11: [7-2] Phase 2 - Preparing media recovery for switchover...
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:52:11: ...checking database 'TEMP' if PRIMARY
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:52:11: ...checking database 'PROD' if PHYSICAL_STANDBY
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:52:11: ...checking 'TEMP' open mode
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:52:12: ...checking database 'PROD' if mounted
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:52:12: ...switch logs on the primary database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:52:14: ...start media recovery
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:52:14: ...Wait until media recovery to catch up to a recent scn
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:52:14: ...Wait for the 'apply lag' to fall below 30 secs
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:52:15: ...Switch logs on primary database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:52:46: ...Apply lag measured at 31 seconds
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:52:47: ...Switch logs on primary database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:52:49: ...Apply lag measured at 3 seconds

INFO: 2017-06-01 06:53:13: [7-3] Creating checkpoint NZDRU_0703 on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:53:13: ...Stop media recovery on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:53:14: ...Create restore point 'NZDRU_0703' on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:53:14: [7-4] Phase 4 - confirm PROD has witnessed the role change
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:53:15: [7-4] Creating checkpoint NZDRU_0704 on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:53:15: ...Stop media recovery on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:53:15: ...Create restore point 'NZDRU_0704' on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:53:15: ***************************************************
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:53:15: [7-5] Phase 5 - Switch 'PROD' to the primary role
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:53:15: ***************************************************
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:53:18: ...Open the transient logical database 'PROD'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:53:22: [7-5] Creating checkpoint NZDRU_0705 on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:53:22: ...Stop media recovery on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:53:23: ...Create restore point 'NZDRU_0705' on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:53:23: [7-6] Phase 6 - Start media recovery
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:53:36: [7-6] Creating checkpoint NZDRU_0706 on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:53:36: ...Stop media recovery on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:53:45: ...Create restore point 'NZDRU_0706' on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:53:45: [7-7] Creating checkpoint NZDRU_0707 on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:53:45: ...Stop media recovery on database 'TEMP'
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:53:46: ...Create restore point 'NZDRU_0707' on database 'TEMP'
SUCCESS: 2017-06-01 06:53:46: Switch back complete

MacroStep10 - Stage 8 Statistics...
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:53:46: ...statistics
#  Displays rolling upgrade statistics upon successful rolling upgrade        #
script start time: 01-Jun-17 06:17:52
script finish time: 01-Jun-17 06:53:46
total script execution time: +00 00:35:54
wait time for user upgrade: +00 00:26:43
active script execution time: +00 00:09:11
transient logical creation start time: 01-Jun-17 06:18:06
transient logical creation finish time: 01-Jun-17 06:18:51
primary to logical switchover start time: 01-Jun-17 06:47:37
logical to primary switchover finish time: 01-Jun-17 06:48:10
primary services offline for: +00 00:00:33
total time former primary in physical role: +00 00:02:34
time to reach upgrade redo:
time to recover upgrade redo: +00 00:01:33
primary to physical switchover start time: 01-Jun-17 06:52:11
physical to primary switchover finish time: 01-Jun-17 06:53:23
primary services offline for: +00 00:01:12
INFO: 2017-06-01 06:53:55: Cleanup
SUCCESS: 2017-06-01 06:53:56: The physical rolling upgrade is complete

gDBClone.bin listdbs -verbose
Database Name Database Type Database Role     Oracle Home Name Oracle Home Location                      Home Version
------------- ------------- -------------     ---------------- ----------------------------------------- -----
TEMP          SINGLE        PHYSICAL_STANDBY  OraDb19700_home1 /u01/app/oracle/product/
PROD          SINGLE        PRIMARY           OraDb19700_home1 /u01/app/oracle/product/

13. Clone a database encrypted with Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)

In this scenario, we want use gDBClone to clone/snap database encrypted with the Transparent Data Encryption (TDE). Before to use gDBClone, you must manually copy the keystore to the duplicate database. If the keystore is not an auto login (SSO) keystore, then you must convert it to an auto login keystore at the duplicate database.


In this example we are considering ORCL as source encrypted database, ENCORCL the cloned database and SNAPENC the snapshot encrypted database

1) Copy the wallet file (ewallet.p12) from source database server to target clone database server. You can check the wallet file location on source database from sqlnet.ora file of the source database ORACLE_HOME

$ mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/admin/ENCORCL/tde_wallet
$ scp oracle@prod-serv:/u01/app/oracle/admin/ORCL/tde_wallet/ewallet.p12 /u01/app/oracle/admin/ENCORCL/tde_wallet/

2)  Modify sqlnet.ora file in target clone database ORACLE_HOME to reflect the location of the wallet file:


In an Oracle Grid Infrastructure environment, add the TNS_ADMIN and ORACLE_UNQNAME initialization parameters to both the listener.ora file and the static listener for Data Guard Broker. The listener must be stopped and restarted after these changes are made.

The following is an example of setting the TNS_ADMIN and ORACLE_UNQNAME parameters:

(SID_DESC=( (ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/
(SID_NAME=ENCORCL) (ENVS="TNS_ADMIN=/u01/app/oracle/admin/ENCORCL/tde_wallet")

3) Invoke orapki utility on the target clone database server to make the wallet auto-login:

$ orapki wallet create -wallet /u01/app/oracle/admin/ENCORCL/tde_wallet \
                       -pwd "Welcome_1" \

4) You can now use gDBClone to clone the source encrypted database

gDBClone.bin clone -sdbname ORCL \
                   -sdbscan exadata316-scan \
                   -tdbname ENCORCL \
                   -tdbhome OraDb19700_home1 \
                   -dataacfs /u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore

If you need also a database snapshot:

gDBClone.bin snap -sdbname ENCORCL -tdbname SNAPENC

The required wallet will be created under the expected location ” /u01/app/oracle/admin/SNAPENC/tde_wallet


[Insert code here. Use 'Paste from Word' to retain layout.]

You can avoid the “WALLET” password request if “/opt/gDBClone/WALLETpasswd_file” is present. You can create such file with the wallet password issuing: 

gDBClone.bin syspwf -syspwf WALLET.passwd_file

Note: if you are going to use $ORACLE_UNQNAME into sqlnet.ora, example:


You should also setup such env variable for the database using “srvctl” command:

$ srvctl setenv database -db db_unique_name -env "ORACLE_UNQNAME=val"
$ srvctl stop database -db db_unique_name
$ srvctl start database -db db_unique_name

14. Using gDBClone on ODA HA,S,M,L (Enterprise Edition) 

Note: On ODA before to get database snapshots with gDBClone you must get a source database “clone” on ACFS as by default, on ODA the databases are stored on ACFS “root” filesystem and not on an ACFS filesystem snapshot.

1) Check the source database on source host (or on local ODA)

gDBClone.bin listdbs -verbose
Database Name Database Type Database Role Oracle Home Name Oracle Home Location                      Home Version Master/Snapshot Location/Parent
------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- ----------------------------------------- ------------ ---------------- ----------------
DB122H1       RAC           PRIMARY       OraDb12201_home1 /u01/app/oracle/product/   n/a               ASM

2) Make a new ODA “ACFS DB storage” for the clone database issuing:

# odacli create-dbstorage --dbname CLONE --databaseUniqueName CLONE --dbstorage ACFS
  "jobId" : "d317a3de-99a1-4ba4-842f-bbd4ec4763f6",
  "status" : "Created",
  "message" : null,
  "reports" : [ ],
  "createTimestamp" : "July 20, 2020 10:03:34 AM CEST",
  "resourceList" : [ ],
  "description" : "Database storage service creation with db name: CLONE",
  "updatedTime" : "July 20, 2020 10:03:34 AM CEST"

3) Get a clone database from the source DB running gDBClone from target ODA: 

./gDBClone.bin clone \
  -sdbname DB122H1 \
  -sdbscan rcvm-scan \
  -tdbname CLONE \
  -tdbhome OraDB12201_home1 \
  -dataacfs /u02/app/oracle/oradata/CLONE \
  -recoacfs /u03/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area \
  -redoacfs /u04/app/oracle/redo/CLONE


MacroStep1 - Getting information and validating setup...

Please enter the 'SYS' User password for the database DB122H1:
Please re-enter the 'SYS' user password for the database DB122H1:
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:15:08: Validating environment
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:15:08: Checking superuser usage
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:15:08: Checking if target database name 'CLONE' is a valid name
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:15:08: Checking if target database home 'OraDB12201_home1' exists
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:15:08: Checking if Oracle Restart
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:15:08: Checking ping to host 'rcvm-scan'
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:15:08: Getting ORACLE_BASE path from orabase
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:15:08: Checking if target database 'CLONE' exists
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:15:08: Checking 'CLONE' snapshot existence on '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/CLONE'
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:15:08: Checking registered instance 'CLONE'
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:15:16: Checking listener on 'scaoda811-scan:1521'
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:15:16: Checking ACFS command options
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:15:16: Checking if '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/CLONE' is an ACFS file system
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:15:16: Checking if '/u04/app/oracle/redo/CLONE' is an ACFS file system
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:15:16: Checking if '/u03/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area' is an ACFS file system
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:15:19: Checking source and target database version
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:15:19: Checking source database size
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:15:20: Checking source database role
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:15:20: Checking source log mode
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:15:21: Checking Flash Cache setting
SUCCESS: 2020-07-20 11:15:21: Environment validation complete

MacroStep2 - Setting up clone environment...
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:15:21: Creating local pfile
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:15:22: Creating local password file
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:15:22: Creating local Audit folder
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:15:22: Checking local auxiliary listener
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:15:22: Creating local auxiliary listener
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:15:22: Starting auxiliary listener
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:15:22: Sleeping 60 secs, please wait
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:16:22: Setting up ACFS storage
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:16:22: Creating dynamic scripts
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:16:23: Cloning to target ACFS from host 'rcvm-scan'
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:16:23: Creating RMAN script for spfile target to ACFS
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:16:23: Instantiating clone database
SUCCESS: 2020-07-20 11:16:23: Environment setup complete

MacroStep3 - Cloning database 'DB122H1'...
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:16:23: Getting cluster_interconnects values on 'DB122H1'
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:16:24: Database clone from active database in progress, please wait
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:16:24: (this can take a while depending on database size and/or network speed)
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:19:33: Cloned database restore until SCN:1487459 done successfully
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:19:33: Moving spfile
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:20:30: Register 'CLONE' database as cluster resource
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:20:31: Updating spfile
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:20:33: Updating local pfile
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:20:33: Checking database name
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:20:34: Modifying DB instance
INFO: 2020-07-20 11:20:35: Setup ACFS dependency
SUCCESS: 2020-07-20 11:20:37: Clone database 'CLONE' created successfully

INFO: 2020-07-20 11:20:37: Starting database 'CLONE'
SUCCESS: 2020-07-20 11:20:52: Successfully created clone database 'CLONE'

3) Check the new 'clone' database 

gDBClone.bin listdbs
Database Name Database Type Database Role Master/Snapshot Location/Parent
------------- ------------- ------------- --------------- ---------------
CLONE         SINGLE        PRIMARY       Master          /u02/app/oracle/oradata/CLONE/.ACFS/snaps/

Note as the database is created under the ACFS snapshot and nto on dbstorage root filesystem:

# tree /u02/app/oracle/oradata/CLONE
└── lost+found

1 directory, 0 files

# tree /u02/app/oracle/oradata/CLONE/.ACFS/snaps/
    └── CLONE
        ├── datafile
        │   ├── o1_mf_sysaux_hkbrbt0y_.dbf
        │   ├── o1_mf_system_hkbrbsg9_.dbf
        │   ├── o1_mf_temp_hkbrf3wb_.tmp
        │   ├── o1_mf_undotbs1_hkbrbtjx_.dbf
        │   └── o1_mf_users_hkbrbyop_.dbf
        └── spfileCLONE.ora

3 directories, 6 files

You could register the new clone database to the dcs-agent so it can be managed by the dcs-agent stack also. In order to do so you must de-register the clone db into the cluster (done by gDBClone) as “ odacli register-database” will fail otherwise, the steps are as following: 

1)  stop the database (as oracle user):

srvctl stop database -d CLONE

2) de-register the database (as oracle user) from the cluster:

$ srvctl remove database -d CLONE

3) startup the database using SQL*Plus (as oracle user):

$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> startup

4) Register the databse on DCS (as root user)

odacli register-database --dbclass OLTP --dbshape odb1 --dbtype SI --servicename CLONE


  "jobId" : "a8298f61-2821-4aff-8da1-b5614e34d786",
  "status" : "Created",
  "message" : null,
  "reports" : [ ],
  "createTimestamp" : "July 20, 2020 11:31:44 AM CEST",
  "resourceList" : [ ],
  "description" : "Database service registration with db service name: CLONE",
  "updatedTime" : "July 20, 2020 11:31:44 AM CEST"

check the new registered database (from DCS propsective)

# odacli list-databases

ID                                       DB Name    DB Type  DB Version           CDB        Class    Shape    Storage    Status       DbHomeID
---------------------------------------- ---------- -------- -------------------- ---------- -------- -------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------------------------
dd4dcb65-bf89-4783-979f-7b3cec2a7c66     CLONE      Si      false      Oltp     Odb1     Acfs       Configured   3c405be6-a2eb-4909-93cb-e9c8a4203420

check the new registered database (from gDBClone propsective) 

gDBClone.bin listdbs

Database Name Database Type Database Role Master/Snapshot Location/Parent
------------- ------------- ------------- --------------- ---------------
CLONE         SINGLE        PRIMARY       Master          /u02/app/oracle/oradata


Note: on registering the database on ODA DCS, db_create_file_dest will be updated to the target ACFS root filesystem (in this example: '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/CLONE'). You should set it to the right ACFS snapshot path (example) instead, issuing:

alter system set db_create_file_dest='/u02/app/oracle/oradata/CLONE/.ACFS/snaps/CLONE' scope=both;  

Note: on registering the database on ODA DCS, db_recovery_file_dest will be updated to '/u03/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area', gDBClone is expecting db_recovery_file_dest set to <path>/<DB name>, example: '/u03/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/CLONE'. You should set db_recovery_file_dest to the right expected value issuing (example):

ALTER SYSTEM SET db_recovery_file_dest='/u03/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/CLONE' SCOPE=SPFILE;

You can now leverage on the gDBClone snapshot feature: 

gDBClone.bin snap -sdbname CLONE -tdbname SNAP


Note: DCS-Agent does not support databases created using the “gDBClone snap” feature. 

15. Migrate a database from OCIC to OCI using gDBClone

In this scenario, we want use gDBClone to migrate a database running on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic (OCIC) to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).



  • Source database on OCIC must have Access Rule “ora_p2_dblistener” enabled
  • Source database time zone must be available on target DB home (DST Patches), check the timezone in use by the database using the following query:
col PROPERTY_NAME format a30
col VALUE format a5
SELECT PROPERTY_NAME, SUBSTR(property_value, 1, 30) value

PROPERTY_NAME                  VALUE
------------------------------ -----

In this example, time zone ver.28 must be present on OCI $ORACLE_HOME/oracore/zoneinfo:

[root@OCI ~]# ls -l /u01/app/oracle/product/*28*
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 53922 May 17 03:55
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 782585 May 17 03:55
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 341401 May 17 03:55


1. Make on OCI targert BM a new “DB storage” for the target database issuing:

[root@OCI ~] # dbcli create-dbstorage --dbname RC12COCI --dbstorage ACFS
"jobId" : "2275567f-d8ae-46a0-bd76-0745d3c6a5f4",
"status" : "Created",
"message" : null,
"reports" : [ ],
"createTimestamp" : "October
04, 2017 11:17:03 AM UTC",
"resourceList" : [ ],
"description" : "Database storage service creation with db name: RC12COCI",
"updatedTime" : "October 04, 2017 11:17:03 AM UTC"

2. Setup the wallet file on OCI targert BM

- Copy the wallet file (ewallet.p12) from the OCIC database server to target OCI database server. You can check the wallet file location on source database from sqlnet.ora file of the source database

$ mkdir -p /opt/oracle/dcs/commonstore/wallets/tde/RC12COCI
$ scp oracle@ocic:/u01/app/oracle/admin/RC12COCI/tde_wallet/ewallet.p12
$ chmod 600 /opt/oracle/dcs/commonstore/wallets/tde/RC12COCI/ewallet.p12

-  Modify sqlnet.ora file on target BMC database ORACLE_HOME to reflect the location of the wallet file:


- Invoke orapki utility on the target clone database server to make the wallet auto-login (the password is an example):

$ orapki wallet create -wallet /opt/oracle/dcs/commonstore/wallets/tde/RC12COCI \
-pwd "Welcome_1" \

3. Execugte gDBClone

- Create the password file for gDBClone:

[root@OCI ~]# gDBClone.bin syspwf -syspwf /opt/gDBClone/SYS.passwd
Please enter the SYS User password :
Please re-enter the SYS user password :
SYS password file created as /opt/gDBClone/SYS.passwd

- run gDBClone as following (you could check the sdbname with “lsnrctl service” command):

[root@OCI ~]# nohup /opt/gDBClone/gDBClone.bin clone \
                                               -sdbname RC12C.gboracle88888.oraclecloud.internal \
                                               -sdbscan \
                                               -tdbname RC12COCI \
                                               -tdbhome OraDB12102_home1 \
                                               -dataacfs /u02/app/oracle/oradata/RC12COCI \
                                               -redoacfs /u03/app/oracle/redo \
                                               -recoacfs /u03/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area \
                                               -oci \
                                               -syspwf /opt/gDBClone/SYS.passwd &


MacroStep1 - Getting information and validating setup...
INFO: 2017-05-23 08:59:42: Validating environment
INFO: 2017-05-23 08:59:42: Checking superuser usage
INFO: 2017-05-23 08:59:42: Checking if target database name 'RC12CBMC' is a valid name
INFO: 2017-05-23 08:59:42: Checking if target database home 'OraDB12102_home1' exists
WARNING: 2017-05-23 08:59:42: ORACLE_BASE is not set
INFO: 2017-05-23 08:59:42: Got Oracle Base from orabase
INFO: 2017-05-23 08:59:42: Checking if target database 'RC12CBMC' exists
INFO: 2017-05-23 08:59:43: Checking 'RC12CBMC' snapshot existence on '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/RC12CBMC'
INFO: 2017-05-23 08:59:43: Checking registered instance 'RC12CBMC'
INFO: 2017-05-23 08:59:43: Checking listener on 'rc12c:1521'
INFO: 2017-05-23 08:59:43: Checking source and target database version
INFO: 2017-05-23 08:59:49: Checking source log mode
INFO: 2017-05-23 08:59:52: Checking Flash Cache setting
INFO: 2017-05-23 08:59:55: Checking ACFS command options
INFO: 2017-05-23 08:59:55: Checking if '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/RC12CBMC' is an ACFS file system
INFO: 2017-05-23 08:59:55: Checking if '/u03/app/oracle/redo' is an ACFS file system
INFO: 2017-05-23 08:59:55: Checking if '/u03/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area' is an ACFS file system
SUCCESS: 2017-05-23 08:59:55: Environment validation complete
MacroStep2 - Setting up clone environment...
INFO: 2017-05-23 08:59:55: Creating local pfile
INFO: 2017-05-23 08:59:58: Creating local password file
INFO: 2017-05-23 08:59:58: Creating local Audit folder
INFO: 2017-05-23 08:59:58: Creating local auxiliary listener
INFO: 2017-05-23 08:59:58: Starting auxiliary listener
INFO: 2017-05-23 08:59:58: Sleeping 60 secs, please wait
INFO: 2017-05-23 09:00:58: Setting up ACFS storage
INFO: 2017-05-23 09:00:58: Creating dynamic scripts
INFO: 2017-05-23 09:00:59: Cloning to target ACFS from host ''
INFO: 2017-05-23 09:00:59: Creating RMAN script for spfile target to ACFS
INFO: 2017-05-23 09:00:59: Instantiating clone database
SUCCESS: 2017-05-23 09:00:59: Environment setup complete
MacroStep3 - Cloning database 'RC12COPC.gboracle88888.oraclecloud.internal'...
INFO: 2017-05-23 09:00:59: please wait (this can take a while depending on database size and/or network speed)
INFO: 2017-05-23 09:12:18: Moving spfile
INFO: 2017-05-23 09:12:51: Updating local dbs pfile/spfile
INFO: 2017-05-23 09:12:51: Register 'RC12CBMC' database as cluster resource
INFO: 2017-05-23 09:12:55: Checking database name
INFO: 2017-05-23 09:12:55: Modifying DB instance
INFO: 2017-05-23 09:12:56: Setup ACFS dependency
INFO: 2017-05-23 09:12:58: Database 'RC12CBMC' dependency to
'/u02/app/oracle/oradata/RC12CBMC,/u03/app/oracle/redo,/u03/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area' done successfully
INFO: 2017-05-23 09:12:58: Starting database 'RC12CBMC'
SUCCESS: 2017-05-23 09:13:10: Successfully created clone database 'RC12CBMC'
INFO: 2017-05-23 09:13:10: Cleaning up the setup

Check the database creation:

gDBClone.bin listdbs

Database Name Database Type Database Role Master/Snapshot Location/Parent
------------- ------------- ------------- --------------- ---------------
RC12CBMC      SINGLE        PRIMARY       Master          /u02/app/oracle/oradata/RC12COCI

You could register the new clone database to the dcs-agent so it can be managed by the dcs-agent stack also. In order to do so the “COMPATIBLE” parameter must be in the form of 4 numbers (x.y.z.w) example: “” ( is not valid) and the database password must have at least two
uppercase, two lowercase, two special chars and two numbers (example: “WElcome__12”). You must de- register the clone db into the cluster (done by gDBClone) as “ dbcli register-database” will failotherwise, the steps are as following: 

1. set the compatible parameter

SQL> alter system set compatible='' scope=spfile;

2. Set the SYS password to support “dbcli registration”

SQL> alter user sys identified by "WElcome__12";

3. stop the database

$ srvctl stop database -d RC12CBMC

4. de-register the database

$ srvctl remove database -d RC12CBMC

5. startup the database using SQL*Plus

$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> startup

6. Run the ‘ odacli register-database’ command

[root@BMC ~]# dbcli register-database \
--dbclass OLTP \
--dbshape odb2 \
--servicename RC12CBMC.gboracle60892.oraclecloud.internal \
Password for SYS:

"jobId" : "36a28b76-43d7-4fe8-a8ff-11f96bc08e26",
"status" : "Created",
"message" : null,
"reports" : [ ],
"createTimestamp" : "May 23, 2017 09:32:52 AM UTC",
"resourceList" : [ ],
"description" : "Database service registration with db service name: RC12CBMC.gboracle60000.oraclecloud.internal",
"updatedTime" : "May 23, 2017 09:32:52 AM UTC"

Check the database creation:

# dbcli list-databases

ID                                       DB Name    DB Type  DB Version           CDB        Class    Shape    Storage    Status       DbHomeID
---------------------------------------- ---------- -------- -------------------- ---------- -------- -------- ---------- ------------ ----------------------------------------
19e4b52a-4ef0-4aaa-8d56-cae6dd0b069d     RC12CBMC   Si             false      Oltp     Odb2     Acfs       Configured   6a705be6-a2ab-4909-93cb-e9d8a4203420

16. Test & Dev Management environment example

Test System Configuration

  • A two-node test & dev cluster: TestCluster1
  • Database on test and dev cluster
    • TestCluster1 server running
      • 12.1 RACM database ‘RAC’
  • Database on production server
    • ProdRAC1/2 server running ‘SALES’ RAC database
    • ProdRAC3/4 server running ‘INV’ RACOne database
  • ACFS file systems: /acfs and /cloudfs

It is assumed that the user is running a 12.1 production database ‘SALES’ on ProdRAC1/2 cluster and wants to create a clone of that database on a test & dev cluster for testing and certification purposes. Therefore, the user needs to have two snapshots of the database for this purpose


The following are the steps necessary to provision two snapshot databases for test and dev purposes:

1)  List the current cloned databases on the test cluster.

gdbclone.bin listdbs
Database Name Database Type Database Role Master/Snapshot Location/Parent
------------- ------------- ------------- --------------- ---------------
RACM          RAC           PRIMARY       Master          /cloudfs

2)  Create a clone of RAC database ‘SALES’ on the test cluster and name it ‘SALESM’. Create the clone on /acfs file system

[root@TestCluster1 ~]# gDBClone.bin clone -sdbname SALES -sdbhost ProdRAC1 -tdbname SALESM -dataacfs /acfs -racmod 2

3)  List the current cloned databases on the test cluster.

gdbclone.bin listdbs
Database Name Database Type Database Role Master/Snapshot Location/Parent
------------- ------------- ------------- --------------- ---------------
RACM          RAC           PRIMARY       Master          /cloudfs
SALESM        RAC           PRIMARY       Master          /acfs

4)  Create a read-write snapshot of SALESM clone database called SALEST1 and configure it as a single instance database. Also, create a read-write snapshot of SALEM clone database called SALEST2 and configure it as a RAC database.

[root@TestCluster1 ~]# gDBClone.bin snap -sdbname SALESM -tdbname SALEST1
[root@TestCluster1 ~]# gDBClone.bin snap -sdbname SALESM -tdbname SALEST2 -racmod 2

5) List the current cloned databases on the test cluster.

gdbclone.bin listdbs
Database Name Database Type Database Role Master/Snapshot Location/Parent
------------- ------------- ------------- --------------- ---------------
RACM          RAC           PRIMARY       Master          /cloudfs
SALESM        RAC           PRIMARY       Master          /acfs
SALEST1       SINNGLE       PRIMARY       Snapshot        SALESM
SALEST2       RAC           PRIMARY       Snapshot        SALES


Managing test and dev environments does not have to be complex. The Oracle Cloud File System coupled with the gDBClone script provides powerful, flexible and simple tools that ease management of test and dev servers and reduce management complexity. You can finally contain the sprawling cost of storage by using the ACFS point-in-time snapshot technology; and therefore, realize significant storage savings. Many sparse snapshot clones can be created for parallel test and development purpose and only require a fraction of the storage. The Oracle Cloud File System is bundled with Oracle Grid Infrastructure and installs  automatically on every cluster. Refreshing and recycling test databases have never been easier. The gDBClone script allows you to create clones and snapshots, list and delete them in one simple command. This is the type of agility businesses need to adapt to changing requirements in their IT organization.

Appendix - A

Clone Location

Using the following options:

  • -dataacfs Database datafiles target ACFS storage
  • -redoacfs Database redologs target ACFS storage (default dataacfs)
  • -recoacfs Database recovery target ACFS storage (default dataacfs)

automatically gDBClone will create:

  • an ACFS snapshot under "-dataacfs <acfs mount point>" called as tdbname and the database datafiles will be stored in such place
  • a folder called tdbname under "-redoacfs <acfs mount point>" and "-recoacfs <acfs mount point>" if such options are provided
gDBClone clone -sdbname O12C -sdbscan slcac458-scan -tdbname CO12C -tdbhome OraDb12102_home1
-dataacfs /u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore
-redoacfs /u01/app/oracle/oradata/datastore
-recoacfs /u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/datastore

# tree /u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore/.ACFS/snaps/CO12C
└── CO12C
    ├── datafile
    │   ├── o1_mf_sysaux_d0wd0jj3_.dbf
    │   ├── o1_mf_system_d0wd0j6g_.dbf
    │   ├── o1_mf_temp_d0wd2qt1_.tmp
    │   ├── o1_mf_undotbs1_d0wd0jmb_.dbf
    │   ├── o1_mf_undotbs2_d0wd0qt2_.dbf
    │   └── o1_mf_users_d0wd0r1r_.dbf
    └── spfileCO12C.ora
# tree /u01/app/oracle/oradata/datastore/CO12C/
├── CO12C
    │  ├── onlinelog
    │  ├── o1_mf_1_d0wd2h1n_.log
    │  ├── o1_mf_2_d0wd2m7t_.log
    │  ├── o1_mf_3_d0wd26qo_.log
    │  └── o1_mf_4_d0wd2boz_.log
    └── control01.ctl
# tree /u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/datastore/CO12C/
└── CO12C
    ├── archivelog
    │   └── 2016_10_24
    │       ├── o1_mf_1_4_d0wd13wv_.arc
    │       ├── o1_mf_1_5_d0wd148z_.arc
    │       ├── o1_mf_1_6_d0wd14jr_.arc
    │       ├── o1_mf_2_6_d0wd14sl_.arc
    │       └── o1_mf_2_7_d0wd153n_.arc
    └── backupset
        └── 2016_10_24
            └── o1_mf_nnsnf_TAG20161024T090133_d0wd2xow_.bkp

Snap Location

When gDBClone snap is in use the database location is made based on the following assumptions:

Database datafiles will be stored following "db_create_file_dest" source database location.

Example having:


the snapshot database will store the dbf under


Database Redologs will follow "db_create_online_log_dest_1"
Example having:


the snapshot database will store the dbf under


Database recovery area will follow "db_recovery_file_dest"
Example having:


the snapshot database will store the dbf under


Clone resume

In case of RMAN error/failure during the clone process, gDBClone wont cleanup the environment leaving what done until the failure. Restarting the same gDBClone clone command it will print errors as the previous db structure is (could be) present. In such case using "-resume" command option (it ll ask for confirmation), gDBClone will skips the errors and it will restarts the "rman duplicate".
Such feature is especially useful in case a huge database clone is failing. Restarting the process RMAN will starts from where it was failing.

Standby option

The standby option (usable doing clone/snap) is as following:

-standby [-pmode maxperf|maxavail|maxprot] [-activedg] [-rtapply][-dgbroker [-dgbpath1 <dgb config path>][-dgbpath2 <dgb config path>]]

-standby  The clone/snap will be a physical standby database
-pmode    Standby option: maxperf/maxavail/maxprot (default maxperf)
-activedg Enable Active Dataguard
-rtapply  Enable real time apply
-dgbroker Enable DG Broker
-dgbpath1 DG Broker remote configuration file path
-dgbpath2 DG Broker remote configuration file path


If "-pmode" is used and ne maxperf LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2--> AFFIRM/ASYNC
If "-pmode" is not in use LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2--> NOAFFIRM/ASYNC


Using "-activedg" the clone/snap database will be register as "-r physical_standby", "-s "READ ONLY"
Without "-activedg" the clone/snap database will be register as "-r physical_standby", "-s "mount"


If "-rtapply" is in use


If "-rtapply" is not in use


DG broker Setup

During the “clone/snap” as standby and as option, it’s possible configure Oracle Data Guard Broker.

In case of database “clone” if the DG Broker is not configured yet you must provide the DG Broker configuration file path (-dgbpath1/-dgbpath2). If you don’t provide ‘-dgbpath2’, the same ‘-dgbpath1’ will be used.

In case of Database “snap”,

dgbpath1 will be set to “<dataacfs>/.ACFS/snaps/<db_name>/dgbc1<db_name>.dat
dgbpath2 will be set to “<recoacfs>/<db_name>/dgbc2<db_name>.dat

gDBClone “-pfile” option

As discussed early on this technical paper, if you need to decrease/increase SGA footprint, you can leverage on “-pfile” option. Here and example of the usage.

Example: gDBClone_pfile12c.conf 

aq_tm_processes = 0
archive_lag_target = 900
bitmap_merge_area_size = 0
compatible =
create_bitmap_area_size = 0
db_block_checking = 'FULL'
db_block_checksum = 'FULL'
db_file_multiblock_read_count = 16
db_files = 500
db_lost_write_protect = 'FULL'
fast_start_parallel_rollback = 'HIGH'
hash_area_size = 0
job_queue_processes = 10
log_archive_format = '%t_%s_%r.arc'
log_archive_max_processes = 10
log_archive_trace = 0
open_cursors = 1000
parallel_execution_message_size = 8192
parallel_max_servers = 80
pga_aggregate_target = 1G
processes = 150
recovery_parallelism = 8
remote_login_passwordfile = 'EXCLUSIVE'
sec_case_sensitive_logon = 'FALSE'
session_cached_cursors = 100
sessions = 250
sga_max_size = 1G
sga_target = 1G
shared_pool_reserved_size = 22649241
shared_pool_size = 704643072
shared_servers = 0
sort_area_retained_size = 0
sort_area_size = 65536
undo_management = 'AUTO'
undo_retention = 43200

Getting a database clone:

gDBClone.bin clone -sdbname ORCL \
                   -sdbscan exadata316-scan \
                   -tdbname CLONE \
                   -tdbhome OraDb12102_home1 \
                   -dataacfs /u02/app/oracle/oradata/datastore \
                   -pfile /opt/gDBClone/gDBClone_pfile12c.conf

Getting a database snapshot:  

gDBClone.bin snap -sdbname STDBY -tdbname SNAP \
                  -pfile /opt/gDBClone/gDBClone_pfile12c.conf

Debug Information

If for any reason gDBClone is failing, you may have more detailed information from the log created under


If on cloning a source database you need RMAN debug log, you can use “-rmandbg” command option;
the trace file will be crated as “/tmp/rman_debug.log” 


NOTE:2363679.1 - Bck2Cloud - “1-Button” Cloud Backup/Restore Automation Utility
NOTE:949322.1 - Oracle11g Data Guard: Database Rolling Upgrade Shell Script
NOTE:884522.1 - How to Download and Run Oracle's Database Pre-Upgrade Utility
NOTE:2485457.1 - AutoUpgrade Tool

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